dead kit day after 3 healthy babies

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Feb 19, 2013
Reaction score
Was very happy to see 3 healthy babies in the nest on sunday night, but just a half hour ago my Juliette started grunting and delivered a dead kit.

The kit had no skin on his hind quarters- very strange? Didn't look like he'd been chewed or anything, more like he'd never grown skin on his rump.

My guess is that I walked in the room sunday night while she was between births but upon my interruption she tried to stall her labor? Still confused as to why he had no skin.

Still very happy with the 3 healthy kits though, who had very nice round bellies last night!
Sorry for the loss Becca, but yay for the three little popples!

Hope they continue to do well for you.
just guessing, if she stopped trying to push the kit out. she may have become irratated with the kit being stuck, and she licked her self and licked the skin away ?
I had a dog lick the skin off of a puppy's rear end once while she was cleaning it,
it wasn't stuck though- she just pushed him out like that a day and a half after the other 3. I'm confused.

But the other 3 are fine so I'm not too concerned over this loss.

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