Day 33 still no kits?

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Active member
May 7, 2014
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Hi all- so I bred my two does on June 17th. My black doe gave birth yesterday morning (day 32) to two kits. My harliquinn doe as of this am still hasn't giving birth. She built her nest and pulled fur but nothing yet. I think she was pregnant. I an practicing palpating on day 10 and thought I felt something but I may have been wrong. What should I do?
Make some fruit-flavored Tums or even calcium pellets for chickens available, and, like Bandit said, be patient. The record here on RT is 42 days. :shock:

Not that that is normal or even frequent.

Re-breeding can stimulate labor, so after 35 days you might want to give that a try. But hopefully, she won't go that long.
You should be able to figure out if she is pregnant or not at day 33+ if you just put her in your lap and rest your fingers on her tummy on the inside of back legs- you would be able to feel movement.

I've read the less babies they are carrying the longer they hold on to them so maybe she is only going to have one or two. Is she a dwarf breed?
Thank you all for your advice. I tried tums but she would not eat them. Yes she is a holland lop and has given me peanuts before so she is a dwarf. I am going to go check her now. Fingers crossed! <br /><br /> -- Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:21 am -- <br /><br /> No babies:( she ate some tums- I had left tham in her bowl. I palpated her belly softly yesterday and felt nothing. I guess it is a false pregnancy . I am just surprised since she built her nest and pulled fur. I will try rebreeding tomorrow.

Is it true that you shouldn't let more than 12 wk go by between breedings or they may have a hard time conceiving?

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