Day 30 And No Haystashe!!! Day 32 and Popples!!!

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Bad Habit

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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Santana is very very pregnant. You can tell by looking at her that she's got a mess of little ones in her, and she's been acting uncomfortable for the past few days. You can feel the babies in her as well, moving around and what not - though they don't seem to have much room and are pretty well packed in there.

She's due on Monday. Today is day 30.

No haystashe, no hair pulling. Lots and lots of digging, but not much else.

I'm worried she's going to be a poor first time momma.
Have hope.

I had a doe I gave to a friend bred who had had a couple litters already, but she swore the doe wasn't pregnant. Day 34 I went over there and the poor doe was so huge I thought she would pop right then. She also hadn't provided a nest or any hay for her to nest with, so I instructed her how to do that and she did. It wasn't until day 37 that the doe kindled, 7 huge, fat, happy babies. Could be that your girl is just going to take a bit longer than others.
Of course, I get worried and an hour later she starts running around with a haystashe, LOL.

We've finally progressed to actual nest making, rather than just digging.

I've never had a doe go longer than day 32. I do hope Santana doesn't intend to set a record, she's SO pregnant, I'd actually be worried about her survival.
My does seem to nest in two stages. I have one doe that won't pull fur until she's actually giving birth and seems to build the nest as an afterthought... lol Like "oh yeah, I had babies, better keep them warm".<br /><br />__________ Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:51 am __________<br /><br />Oh and the two stages are

1. They dig dig dig and pull some fur.

then nothing for a few days

2. Then frantic haystash and babies! lol
Keep us posted!!
I had a first timer who delivered two dead kits on day 34 and the second time died at day 41! It was like she refused to give birth. It broke my heart.
Our first doe's first litter, she acted like nothing was going on until the wee hours of the morning before she kindled. She was in our bathroom, as our apartment's porch was being repaired, so litterbox, food, water, and nest box were in there.

I woke up to this horrific noise in the bathroom. Turned out she was busily, desperately digging all of her litter out of the litter box. The bathroom was covered in litter. I swept it back up and put it back in the litter box, and she promptly dug it out again. So I swept it to the edges of the room, where it wouldn't really be diggable, but we could walk in the bathroom without walking on litter.

Then nothing, until around 11 in the morning, when she suddenly had a litter of kits and a giant fur explosion in the nest box. She turned out to be a great mother. :)
Santana's kindled 7! She had no problems, and pulled fur at the last minute(though not as much fur as I'd like to see). She has all the makings of being a great momma, as she thought about chomping me when I reached in to check the box. She settled for just a good head scratch, and some lettuce and a treat instead of biting me, but she does seem inclined to protect the babies, which makes me hopeful that she's going to be inclined to feed the babies. Momma and babies are all doing well - none were DOA, she ate all her nasty placentas and cleaned up all the grossness.

Yay Santana! :bouncy: Congratulations BH and Santana!!! :p 7 is a nice size litter! Way to go Santana!!! :)

They look great! And she might pull more fur. :) We just had two does kindle, and both pulled more fur the day after they kindled.
lol Velveteen lops... their ears will always be huge.

I dunno if she's fed them yet, she seemed to have milk when I checked her over after kindling. She's very protective of her babies, and at one point screamed and boxed at me. I've started greeting her with a treat before I check, and going in for as little a reason as to adjust the nest to cover them better. She's getting more relaxed, and has come to expect the pet and treat when I open the cage door.