Day 28, Patience is not my best virtue!

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2013
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Today is day 28 for my New Zealand doe. Put the nest box in and she immediately started re-arranging things. She is bred to my chinchilla looking buck (was told he is a Flemish Giant but he looks more like an American Chinchilla) so we should have some cool looking meat mutts. I'm hoping to be able to post pics of babies in the next couple of days. :D
How exciting!

My does usually kindle on day 30 or 31, so you may have a bit of a wait yet.

Try not to drive yourself or your doe too crazy until then. A watched doe never popples, after all! ;)

I hope all goes well and you have a nest full of healthy baby bunnies to show us soon! :good-luck:
Still nothing yet. Getting even more impatient. She seems to have started her nest but no hair pulled or any other signs that she is getting ready to have babies. Not sure how much longer to wait before I try breeding he again. She was bred on the first of October so it should be any day I would think.
Has she been acting weird? mean?
Is it her first litter?
Maybe you can feel her belly (but don't squish) and see if you could feel any kicks or moving.
Well now we're on day 33 and still no babies. Wondering if maybe she didn't take? Haven't checked since I just got home from work. We'll see in the AM when I go out to feed. Not sure who's not working between the doe or the buck. Maybe give it another couple of days and then put her back in with the buck again???? Not sure what to do now. My other buck was born in May so I don't think he's old enough to breed yet or I'd try putting her in with him to try to narrow down who isn't working.
You could try your young buck and see if he can do the job. If not use your senior buck. Out of four does I got two litters so it does happen that they miss.
I just had a doe give delayed birth. On day 33 she finally had three babies, one of them a still born. I'm just glad she made it through. She's been a good mom so far with 8-10 kits per litter. The remaining two are huge now with all that extra milk. :)
Well, we still have no babies. I re-bred her so we'll see if she takes this time, if not she may be making other housing arrangements. Don't much like feeding a meat momma that won't give me meat babies. I'll give her another month and see what happens.

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