You can't keep dandelions in neat rows.They don't behave that well. Just let them grow where they will in your garden would be my advice. They don't get tall enough to smother anything. Tilling doesn't kill dandelions. If you chop the root into pieces each piece is a new dandelion.skysthelimit":f558hi51 said:Oh I will. I have not seen a dandelion all summer. But most of this yard is either dog peed, graveled over or tilled over for my gardens, nothing that isn't cultivated by me survives very long.
hoodat":3rd2836i said:You can't keep dandelions in neat rows.They don't behave that well. Just let them grow where they will in your garden would be my advice. They don't get tall enough to smother anything. Tilling doesn't kill dandelions. If you chop the root into pieces each piece is a new dandelion.skysthelimit":3rd2836i said:Oh I will. I have not seen a dandelion all summer. But most of this yard is either dog peed, graveled over or tilled over for my gardens, nothing that isn't cultivated by me survives very long.
cowgirl9768":1jowrjln said:AmysMacdog":1jowrjln said:Wow Cowgirl! I have voles distroying my plants so fast I'm having trouble keeping up and your ripping them up and throwing them out! :shock: :shock:![]()
Want some voles that really love dandelions? :twisted:
Be glad to send some :mrgreen:![]()
HAHA actualy that may be a good idea (espeshaly for my gma who doesnt have rabbits to help her out). I may talk to her and get back to you. Will they kill the grass?
akane":1bsg6q34 said:Even with mowing (sometimes my stepdad would mow the yard to the point he was mowing dust) there would still be dandelions everywhere. When we lived in town people would come to the door advertising to spray our dandelion filled yard and my mom was always like, why? Dandelions are no nuisance except to people who want pristine yards. I like my wild plant yards. The farmhouse next to wildlife land and long abandoned gardens was maybe 10% grass, again despite tons of mowing. Wild flowers were persistent and various forages carpeted the ground. We had this one plant I can't remember the name of that grew all over in areas nothing else would grow. It was some really aggressive weed but it stayed short and bloomed purple with tons of bees feeding off it. Still not something I'd call a nuisance and want to kill off. Did have to work a little hard to keep it out of the garden. Then my aunt had something she kept pulling out of her garden and composting that she called red root. Turns out it was purslane and perfectly edible. She destroyed pounds of it a year. I just don't understand why people want 100% uniform grass yards. All the other stuff is interesting and adds color. I keep telling my husband I'm just going to turn the entire yard in to a short growing meadow flower area or cover it in a durable creeping thyme. He's complaining he'll have to mow again.
trinityoaks":2du13yf3 said:Definitely NOT against Texas law! The only state I would be concerned about in that regard would be California. They have weird agricultural laws. They have weird laws, period!RJ":2du13yf3 said:PM me your address. I'll mail some if I can get to them before the kids. We're already got some fluffy ones. it illegal to mail dandelions to Texas from Illinois? Hmm....
Think about it, Cathy. Dandelions are an invasive European species. Our domestic rabbits are descended from the wild European rabbit. What could be more natural than feeding our buns all those wonderful invasive weeds.wamplercathy":3r36coiw said:OK. Wait one moment. :shock: Yall WANT dandelions??? :? We have spent hundreds of dollars over the years trying to get rid of them. Now that I'm getting rabbits I could see having some around, maybe. I don't know the laws involving dandelions but they could be an invasive species or not. I know that in some areas this is a big issue like Asian carp in the great lakes, kudzu in Indiana, pythons in Florida. Yall can probably name a few extra. But it is just a thought. I don't know why Texas doesn't have dandelions naturally but there might be a reason. Then again maybe not.
I'm just shocked that people would want them. Would go to the point of mailing the seeds across country. :shock: :shock:
:reading1: :reading2: I'm going to have to do some research.:lol: :lol: :lol:
akane":250r06e8 said:You can get a pound of dandelion seed online for like $400. :lol: