I only put those on if they are pulling at stitches or staples but I've never had one swell that much. It was rather funny and shows the durability of a well bred japanese akita that when I spayed mine she had to go back in for a second surgery because she started bleeding out, was stitched and stapled all to hell, and I was told to keep in a cone, quiet, and clean. The cone came off in the first 10mins after she slammed it in to everything, couldn't eat after not eating for 4 days at the vet, and got stuck in the narrow turn around the stove to the hallway that led to the bedroom. She then ran around in the spring rain through the mud for several days. Licked herself clean without my help every evening. When we got to our checkup I was congratulated on my good care that led to fast healing. All I did was let her be a dog so long as nothing came loose lol She's been POed at the vet ever since for that stay though. She will stand for vaccination but has to be muzzled to draw blood from the 4 days on iv vit k and fluids.