Cutest Rabbit in the World! What breed is this?

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Thanks, Karen!
That is very kind of you to spend all that time training your house rabbits!! Its no joke. I had gotten the Belgian Hare pretty well trained but could not break him from hopping on the cats and he just got too aggressive... but its when he discovered how to use the cat door, whoompf! he was gone in a flash outside, so we finally had decided to just let him be outside where he can be king thumper for all the other rabbits. As much as I miss him in my lap :( I've found an unneutered male around other animals his own size was really out of control.

I'll keep a casual eye out, (I say, while hunting craigslist ads - really, I should stop reading this forum I get too many bad ideas!!) maybe I'll run into one someday that is as adorable as the one pictured here with a sweet personality to match :)
Stormy":3g6jhlsr said:
Thanks, Karen!
That is very kind of you to spend all that time training your house rabbits!! Its no joke. I had gotten the Belgian Hare pretty well trained but could not break him from hopping on the cats and he just got too aggressive... but its when he discovered how to use the cat door, whoompf! he was gone in a flash outside, so we finally had decided to just let him be outside where he can be king thumper for all the other rabbits. As much as I miss him in my lap :( I've found an unneutered male around other animals his own size was really out of control.

I'll keep a casual eye out, (I say, while hunting craigslist ads - really, I should stop reading this forum I get too many bad ideas!!) maybe I'll run into one someday that is as adorable as the one pictured here with a sweet personality to match :)

Finding out myself regarding BIG unneutered rabbits, lol. Fawkes is hitting his teenage stage and wants to "love" on myself, my husband and Jake. I know it's just a faze right now with hormones surging and we are dealing with the "love". The circling, the chin marking, the honking. But he's just a good Tribe member. And smart? If we had a dog door, he'd be in and out all day.

With this experience though, I'm really looking into what breed would be a good "House" Rabbit. I know Fawkes will settle down when mature and really is just a lay about breed. A Tan might not be right for what I want in my Tribe. Though gorgeous, might not be happy being a "house" rabbit.

My Tribe will stay at 10 rabbits. Will enjoy watching the DM's mature, along with Fawkes. And my adult tribe members, well, will enjoy making sure they stay healthy and stay around for a long time.

Yes that was a super cute video!! I looked again... are they hotot crosses? Did one have black rings around the eyes?
I searched the internet and found broken sable lionheads, doesn't look like the pic I posted - no black eyeliner around the eyes. Though the spots don't seem black. So I'm still puzzled how to find what I'm looking for!!
But yours are very cute! What do they look like full grown?
Watched the video again. They are just adorable. Congratulations on that first litter. Have you bred those two again? Would be curious to hear if you got the same patterns again. Love the "hotot" kits, but that black one with the white on his nose was just adorable.

Stormy":32lk3l6f said:
Yes that was a super cute video!! I looked again... are they hotot crosses? Did one have black rings around the eyes?
I searched the internet and found broken sable lionheads, doesn't look like the pic I posted - no black eyeliner around the eyes. Though the spots don't seem black. So I'm still puzzled how to find what I'm looking for!!
But yours are very cute! What do they look like full grown?
No they are a cross of a vienna marked lionhead and a BEW Netherland dwarf. It's the Vienna broken gene that makes the eyes like that. It is actually a color default in the gene code. Look up broken or Vienna marked lionheads. ... re=3632688 ... hydoVmDW5M:<br /><br />__________ Sat Dec 01, 2012 4:30 pm __________<br /><br />
ZRabbits":32lk3l6f said:
Watched the video again. They are just adorable. Congratulations on that first litter. Have you bred those two again? Would be curious to hear if you got the same patterns again. Love the "hotot" kits, but that black one with the white on his nose was just adorable.

No I haven't she has been allowing any bucks to breed for the last couple months I think it's the weather.
cowgirl9768":2g9b3t8g said:
No they are a cross of a vienna marked lionhead and a BEW Netherland dwarf. It's the Vienna broken gene that makes the eyes like that. It is actually a color default in the gene code. Look up broken or Vienna marked lionheads. ... re=3632688 ... hydoVmDW5M:

I'm not seeing what you are seeing... I see a bunch of broken Lionheads but none with the demarkation of a narrow dark ring around the eye like the one I posted... I see large eye spots on those links. Its hard to tell in the pic if he's got grey spots, they don't look black to me, but I might be wrong...
Stormy":rud6p5si said:
cowgirl9768":rud6p5si said:
No they are a cross of a vienna marked lionhead and a BEW Netherland dwarf. It's the Vienna broken gene that makes the eyes like that. It is actually a color default in the gene code. Look up broken or Vienna marked lionheads. ... re=3632688 ... hydoVmDW5M:

I'm not seeing what you are seeing... I see a bunch of broken Lionheads but none with the demarkation of a narrow dark ring around the eye like the one I posted... I see large eye spots on those links. Its hard to tell in the pic if he's got grey spots, they don't look black to me, but I might be wrong...
From what I can tell all he is a broken lionhead with small spots around his eyes. Broken and vienna coat patterns come in thousands of patterns. None are realy perfectly the same. lionheads don't come in a "hoto" color where it is spaficaly just a thin spot around their eye. Its considered a type of broken. In my litter 2 of the 4 rabbits had a thin out line in black around their eyes and no color any where else on their bodies. Then one of my bucks is solid black with just a white snip on his nose (as you can see in my video) but they all where considered a vienna marked broken black even though the spotting was so different. So their is no "type of color" that perfectly matches what you are looking for. The rabbit is a broken Vienna mark ( I know this for sure cause of the blue eye). Does that help answer your question? Not sure if I'm understanding the question propperly if it doesn't.
Agree with Cowgirl. I have a Broken Chocolate Doe. Luna has the circles around the eyes (broader than the bunny you posted) but does not have blue eyes, which the VM mark helps to bring on in rabbits. If you look at the bunny you posted, there is slight coloring on the ears, which is a trait of a broken and also coloring on the bunny's back, another trait. My Luna has solid chocolate ears and a question mark type coloring on her back. Brokens usually have a butterfly on their nose, but Luna's only lightly shines through. Makes her look like she has a slightly dirty nose.

Broken pattern is just that broken and rabbits don't always come out "just like" the one you posted. Love my Broken Chocolate doe, but if you plan to show, this variety is No #1 not showable, and tough to get perfect every time. Just look at how hard the Hotots have it.

Hi Karen and Cowgirl -
thank you for your responses, I think this does answer my question. I didn't realize it was normal for some brokens to have just the little eyespots.
Just cuz something isn't showable doesn't mean it isn't the cutest rabbit in the world and I'd love to have one :)
I have bred blue eyed hotots like these, they are genetically a vienna marked charlie.
We know charlie's have 10% color, and you if you add the vienna gene, it takes away the remaining color and only leaves the eye bands colored and thus creating a blue eyed hotot.
I personally love rabbits with the broken and vienna gene, they have a very unusual but striking appearance like the rabbit in question.
I specially breed vienna marked rabbits and occasionally breed them with brokens.

I first started with a broken blue vienna doe, Disney, and bred her to a broken blue buck without the vienna gene.
1 got 3 kits. 1 blue solid without the broken and vienna gene.
1 broken blue without the vienna gene, just like dad.
And one broken charlie with the vienna gene, he was all white with blue eye bands and blue eyes. I had never seen one like him!

He looked like this, but blue instead of black.


Disney, the doe i started with, and gave me a lot of blue eyed hotots and broken blue vienna kits.
Thanks Disney! Those are really cute rabbits!! Thanks for explaining how you got them. Now, if only I could find one with a mop of hair on his head like a lionhead! Your bunny Disney is a real beauty too... what kind of rabbits are these then?
Stormy":q7zfn4mp said:
Thanks Disney! Those are really cute rabbits!! Thanks for explaining how you got them. Now, if only I could find one with a mop of hair on his head like a lionhead! Your bunny Disney is a real beauty too... what kind of rabbits are these then?

Hi Stormy, these are just pet rabbits.
Her dam was out of a chesnut vienna marked and broken black holland lop, so she had ears that went up and down.
She was bred to a blue tort and Disney came out.

I'm sad cause i lost every rabbit that i had back then, took me 10 years before i started with new rabbits.