Curly Popple Brag - show me your popples! =D

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*EXPLODES* OH my gods, the adorableness of those bunnies!! *whimpers* Oh, I want one so bad. I'd wind up petting them bald! XD XD

Entirely too cute!!
SilverBlaze, you aint seen nuthin yet! Go to "Satin Babies, Harlie Mix Babies, and more! :)" in Rabbit colors and genetics to see more of Duman's illegally-cute bunnies. I have developed a terrible obsession, thanks to her!
@Mama: I did, and oh holy.... entirely too adorable!! *wibbles* If I wasn't saving so intently for Con, I would totally take a trip to buy a new bunny. *hopes maybe Santa's watching the forums* XD
Hah! Inspiration for names! Mulligawtny, Gumbo, Bouillbaisse, Bourguignon, Fricasee... the way I see it, as long as the meat tastes the same, why not have a little variety in packaging?

I once had a cat give birth in a neighbor's garage- he was an old, old man and I'd never met him before. When I retrieved the kittens, a nice litter with a few Siamese, he looked them over and very kindly offered to drown them for me!

I'll have to look back for early pics- I wouldn't have been making special note of it at the time. You can bet I'll be watching closely from now on!

Names: Fricasee! Ha ha ha!!!!!!

Kittens: YES! Exactly! (Siamese??? Honestly... beautiful ice-chip eyed SIAMESE??) One man's treasure is another man's offer to drown it I suppose :D

__________ Thu Dec 22, 2011 7:15 am __________

MamaSheepdog":1h5yzodb said:
"if it was a snake, it would have bit you"! Gopher, maybe? Not very auspicious, but she's the right color, lol! The REW is probably very relieved that she already has a name- Flurry, which fits her well with her ripplybutt.

GRIN ---- You could have an insanely long 'show name' as we call them around here. Why not? And then her call name is Gopher :D

Ripplybutt = Flurry definitely a perfect name! I can't wait to see the kits she throws. Love that ripple! :)<br /><br />__________ Thu Dec 22, 2011 7:29 am __________<br /><br />@Bramble: Forrest is a beautiful name! And "Can't see the Forrest for the Trees" -- HA HA! Like that one too.

@SilverBlaze: You are too kind! Thank you! :D

And you are going to Con - like "ComicCon"???

If things work out, Helga from Golden Spike Rabbitry is looking for dedicated individuals to work with her Whitmans Astrex to get them reconized by ARBA. She is in Albera, Canada and can work out transport to Washington, USA but... MamaSheepdog is aaaaallll the way in Cali and I am lost in the mountains in Tennessee and so I am stalking -- I mean SEARCHING *grin* for individuals going 'that way' and trying to line up possible transport relays/routes... juuuuust a thought if you have the room/interest/means and want some help paying for some gas expenses of your trip *innocent smile* -- Me? Plotting?
Oh Du-u-man!!! Lookee what I have! These are the only two surviving kits from Feather's litter.


The little not-quite-black one is so tiny and scrawny, and it's fur is getting so thin! The other one looks like a moose next to it, and has such huge feet.

I wasn't planning on keeping either of these, since the entire litter was such an abysmal failure, and Feather doesn't seem to be making enough milk for these guys even... but now I think I must eat my words. In any case, now I know I have varying levels of curly potential! WOOT! :D
OH NO!! Poor Feather... I have been gone from this board too long; I didn't know she was losing kits! She had such a good mustache going on... :(

And GLAD you aren't culling MOOSE (HA!) and Little Losing-Hair-kit: Moose is ADORABLE and your little Blackie (or, not so Blackie *GRIN*) has GREAT curl - it is not uncommon for astrex coated kits to go BALD. Completely, frightfully hairless :) Goodnews: when they grow it in, it often comes back even curlier. So WOW!!!! You wanted Astrex coats and you GOT THEM! :)

Now the small size is concerning for NSB, but hopefully with just the two of them he will get what he needs to grow. What a pair of cuties :)
NSB is black on top, but gray underneath- like an opal coat- I can't remember what the proper term is for hair shafts with 2 or more bands. So what the heck color is that??? And I think it's a she- I looked at it's little hoochie, and it looks like a girl. I think Moose is a boy. I'm pretty fail-safe when it comes to sexing kittens, so I think I got these guys right also. They are nibbling hay already, so hopefully will both do well. Fingers crossed!

I simply can't believe I'm getting Astrex- surely the breeder should have known? Obviously the buck carries it, since I'm getting them out of two does. I'll be getting another buck from her soon, and am thinking of asking her for one from a line that carries those terrible stew-me-bunnies!

Thank goodness I discovered RT and fell in love with the Most Noble LPR Sovereign- or these guys would be ending in the stewpot like so many others. Three cheers for RT!!! Way to go Maggie!

God must be watching out for me- "That MamaSheepdog has been such a law abiding citizen all of her life... I'd better Bless her with LPR's so she doesn't raid Duman'sArk." Or maybe He is looking out for you, and gave me curlies to protect your stock! :lol:

I am just so thrilled, I can't believe it!!! My very own curly line! I still want some of yours, and I just know that will happen one day (through legal means!), and hopefully I'll have some nice bloodlines for you too. :D :p :D

Alopecia! LOL! She's not quite bald yet, but hope springs eternal! I can't wait to see what the post-alopecia coat looks like!

I wouldn't really call little NSB Alopecia gorgeous yet- kind of homely right now, but in a very appealing way, I think. Hopefully her pitifully scrawny frame will fill out before too long. We love her and her brother Moose already- probably a big mistake to raise them in the house... oh well. These things happen, right?

The kids are hilarious in their opinions- they think we should bring all the does into the house when they kindle to make them ultra friendly.
MamaSheepdog":38zo5b4t said:

Alopecia! LOL! She's not quite bald yet, but hope springs eternal! I can't wait to see what the post-alopecia coat looks like!

I wouldn't really call little NSB Alopecia gorgeous yet- kind of homely right now, but in a very appealing way, I think.

Around my house, we call that "So ugly it's cute!" LOL She is having a bad "hare" day! (sorry, could not resist....)
How old are these kits now, MamaSheepdog? I've lost track. Are you supplementing them with some kitchen oats (like Quaker Old Fashioned) to help them along? I give kits that are not doing well the oatmeal with just a touch of brown sugar for an attractant and soak it with warm water to increase their fluid intake if they are weaned early or are not getting enough milk. It seems to work pretty well. I had one lonely only that I had to take from the doe at 17 days because it was not doing well in the colony and momma was pregnant again and wasn't nursing him. It did well on hay and oatmeal mush. Of course, it is better if the oatmeal is just a supplement to even a limited supply of momma's milk.
OneAcreFarm":38rfbaj9 said:
MamaSheepdog":38rfbaj9 said:

Alopecia! LOL! She's not quite bald yet, but hope springs eternal! I can't wait to see what the post-alopecia coat looks like!

I wouldn't really call little NSB Alopecia gorgeous yet- kind of homely right now, but in a very appealing way, I think.

Around my house, we call that "So ugly it's cute!" LOL She is having a bad "hare" day! (sorry, could not resist....)

More proof we're related! The sense of humor runs in the family!

Hi Maggie,

they were born on the first, so are 22 days old today. I hadn't even thought to supplement with oats- should I soak it just slightly, or allow it to get mushy? Here's a question for akane- do you think rice or almond milk would be even better than water? I'll start with just the water so as not to overwhelm their digestive systems.

Maggie, I also have a "Mare and Foal" grain supplement that we are feeding a mare due to foal in February. What do you think of feeding that to Mama and/or babies?

Wow, I can't believe they are 3 weeks already- the little one is the size of a week old kit.
I'm glad I mentioned it then, because at three weeks they can definitely benefit from it. I make the oats quite mushy at first, because dehydration is a worry if they are not getting enough milk. Then as they learn about the water crock, I use less water on the oats and then try them with dry oatmeal. For a day or two I offer both by way of a transition.

I'm sorry I can't help with information about the "mare and foal" supplement or other ideas you mentioned. I stick to pretty basic ingredients for my rabbits, since I lack the farming background that so many other members have. I just have rabbits, chickens and two geese.

Hope supplementing helps... and that Lil Curly and Moose take to it. (Now if you are a Bonanza fan, you could call them Little Joe and Hoss. :D )
I love Bonanza! Wonder if they sell that on DVD... well, Little Josephine liked it, but Hoss didn't take any- I put the rest in for Feather, and she isn't eating it... maybe they want more brown sugar... or cinnamon and nutmeg! LOL!

Just small livestock for you, hmmm? Could you maybe add a nice little dairy goat? I have 2 little 5 month old 3/4 Nigerian Dwarf 1/4 Angora does. I'd gladly give one directions to your place! Milk, meat, eggs... and a weed-picking (and maybe weed-packing!) companion to boot! :)
I would love to have milk goats, MamaSheepdog... but I am 61, overweight and have some minor mobility issues. So I daren't take on any new critter projects. I wanted to homestead back when I was in my twenties, but my then husband lost interest in the idea, so I didn't get to the country until ten years ago. A bit late... but half a loaf is still quite a bit. ;)
I'm sorry to hear that Maggie! In my minds eye I see you striding out with a big wicker basket to gather delectable weeds for your lucky bunnies. Perhaps the Blessing in your disability is Birthing RabbitTalk- you have provided us all with a beautiful place to share our journey with rabbits. Thank you.

I am glad you finally got out to the country! We bought our piece of heaven as "retirement property", but had the opportunity to get here early. I am very thankful for that. It is such a wonderful life for our children- at least I think so, probably because I longed for this life as a child myself. They are living my dream, and I am too- I always wanted to live at the end of a dirt road, and here I am! God is Good!
Hobbling out, cane in hand, with a 5 gallon bucket is more like it, I'm afraid. Not nearly so picturesque! :p

But this lifestyle has brought me so many good things, in spite of coming to it late, that I really don't feel like complaining because I can't do everything. :D
I suppose almond milk would give the same omega fatty acids and fat soluble vitamin benefits as feeding actual nuts and it's fortified. There's no reason it couldn't be used. All they do is finely ground the nuts with a little water, strain it well, and then throw powdered vitamins in there. Rice milk is nearly water. It has little flavor and color. Aside from being fortified I don't know if it would give any health benefits.

I would not use the mare and foal supplements that are more than just powder. Too much corn and various sources of sugar in the crumble and pelleted stuff out there. It could cause bloat or diarrhea in rabbits.

You can just sprinkle any animal milk replacer/formula on top of grains or in to soaked stuff like oatmeal and pellets. I had health issues when using calf manna and was looking for another way to supplement when I found that suggestion. The champagne doe I had in the house last winter with a big litter charged the food dish as soon as I put her scoop of goat kid formula on top of her pellets. If I get kits who are orphaned or doing bad after the 2 week mark I mix up double concentration of whatever baby animal formula I have and then soak pellets or grains in it. It's been useful for a few litters now. You want to be careful of dehydration and alter the concentration of things as necessary until they are using the water bottle.
Thanks for all the suggestions- I'll soak some pellets and oatmeal in KMR for them, and see if Feather likes it on her pellets. Next time I go to the feed store I'll get goat milk replacer.
Here's what I'm keeping for now. The first 3 were the tightest curl of all the kits but they are growing out their adult coats so we'll see what happens. Right now they just look rather clumpy and spikey in some places. The last 2 I just liked their color and type but maybe being from the same breeding they could be carrying something useful.





broken red?



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