Sorry I didn't take pics. I had this nice chocolate doe that I know several will remember me complaining about. With her refusing to breed to any useful buck instead of the one ND that is not show quality for several reasons all summer and fall. I finally had a good buck cover her 3 times but nothing came of it. I thought maybe it was just because she was his first doe. However, with her track record and needing to keep my herd small I decided to butcher her. When I opened her up I couldn't see anything for all the fat. Just tons of white fat packed all over. As I started scooping it out I found both uterine horns full of fluid. Not infection or puss. Plain, clear fluid. :? Any idea why and what does it mean for managing the rest of my herd? Seems I may need to cut pellets to some but I have several per cage right now so making sure everyone gets food and not overfeeding is a problem. I'm hoping to do a colony real soon. I had it setup but the walls were not high enough so it needs redone and they got put in large, solid bottom cages in pairs and trios. A colony will have the same feeding problem, but I've never had fat problems before.