Crusty bump?

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Well-known member
May 21, 2011
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Thought perhaps you guys could shed some insight on an issue I'm having with a junior doe I've got.

About a week ago I noticed she had a small bump about half an inch below the front corner of her eye. Maybe half the size of a dime.

It was crusty and pretty solid feeling. I came off quite easily, with a bit plasma/pus under it and was red and irritated but no longer raised. I cleaned it up and put some triple antibiotic ointment on it. It seemed to be healing for a few days, but once again it has raised up and become crusty. I cleaned it off again today, but now it has got me wondering.

It really reminds me of rain rot on a horse...the scabbing has the same type of appearance and texture, and sloughs off in the same manner. So I'm wondering if maybe if is fungal in nature?

Other than this she's perfectly healthy, eats well, no nasal discharge or conjunctivitis. It really doesn't even seem to bother her, but it's bugging me!

Anyone know what it might be?
i have to admit, I have absolutely no ideas. people over on the yahoo meat rabbit board might if you ask there.
Keep putting an antibiotic ointment on the spot. Eventually it will likely get rid of whatever it is that's causing it. IMHO, the best time to put it on would be right after you've removed the crusted area.
If it is fungal, there are a several products you can use. Feed store: Nu-Stock and Blu-kote* are anti fungal. Pharmacy- any athlete's foot cream or spray.

When I have treated "crusty spots" on other animals, I have found that they heal faster if you keep the crust removed. I soften the crust with warm water and then use a flea comb to basically lift the crust off and then apply whatever ointment or spray is being used. I think the air exposure helps to dry the area out and doesn't give the bacteria or fungus the proper environment to thrive.

*Blu-kote will stain the skin purple for several days, (including your skin!), so you may want to squirt a little into a small container like a water bottle cap and apply it with a cotton swab.
Thanks guys. I'm going to keep cleaning it and applying the triple antibiotic ointment for a few more days - but if it fails to clear up beyond that I'll give the blu-kote a go. :)
Keep us posted on the progress. Pics of the crust and tissue would be nice so we can all know what to look for if we have a similar problem.
MamaSheepdog":1ourdejj said:
Keep us posted on the progress. Pics of the crust and tissue would be nice so we can all know what to look for if we have a similar problem.

I will...I'll try to snap some pics in the next few days and get them up here.

I've been scouring the 'net looking for something that looks like it. It does seem to resemble ringworm in some ways - and it's been a very wet spring here this year so it's not entirely out of the realm of possibilities that it could be ringworm. But if it is, it's not really a 100% text book case of's a very small spot, and doesn't have the distinctive ring, just that same type of fungal seeming, crusty scabbing. To be safe I'm going to bleach everything tomorrow and take care in handling her. If the antibiotic ointment fails again, and blu-kote doesn't zap it then I'll be giving miconazole a try next.
The Blu-Kote is also a really good product to have around if/when you ever encounter sore hocks. It helps alot in expediting the healing process.

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