Crossing colors... help?

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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2015
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I was interested in purchasing maybe an orange or cinnamon buck from this one lady to breed to my blue silver marten doe. Could someone please be so kind and tell me the possible kit colors that my doe could have if she bred to the orange or the cinnamon? (assuming both bucks were not 100% heterozygous) I asked for pics of the buck's pedigrees, and will post them along with my doe's pedigree, if that will help! :)
Thank you so so so so much!! :p :oops: :D
Breeding a blue silver marten to a orange will produce chestnuts and possibly black otter and/or black.

Breeding blue silver marten to cinnamon (AKA tort) will produce otter, maybe black and/or fox

Other colours depend on hidden recessives
Thanks dood- you are amazing! <br /><br /> -- Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:34 pm -- <br /><br /> I am back with another question! xD

What could a doe with the pedigree pictured make with a chocolate silver marten buck, assuming that he had somewhat/mostly pure lines?
Tinks pedigree.jpg

What could a chocolate silver marten buck make with an orange doe, assuming that they both had somewhat/mostly pure lines?

Thank you guys, I am still trying to understand all-things-genetic! :shock: :oops: :p :D
Blu SM X Chocolate SM

= black silver marten, maybe black, maybe REW or himilayan maybe others

Since there is no chocolate in the does pedigree you probably won't get any chocolate

Unless the buck carries dilute/blue then you won't get any blue silver marten

Chocolate SM X Orange

= chestnut, maybe black otter maybe others
at_B_ chd_ dd E_ blue silver martin

at_ bb chd_D_E_ chocolate silver martin

So unless your blue sm carries chocolate, it will take at 2 generation

-- Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:10 pm --

Here are acouple of chocolate silver martin Rex that I have had. Totally non-recognized in Rex but pretty to look at.

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