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WhWRabbitry":2m0vehye said:
So no TV set huh? I could handle that actually. I'm impressed! It's nice to know there are people who don't think think life cannot go on without these things!

I'm pretty sure 1/2 of my kids "academically gifted" status is a direct result of them growing up without a television. ;)
We hit our 200 Likes milestone!!! Thanks to everybody who participated!!!

WhWRabbitry":16endi8i said:
I would definitely enter if I was still a facebooker! I went off facebook 6 months ago and haven't regretted it.

I only recently joined, and it was to connect with other rabbit breeders- especially those on the show circuit.

WhWRabbitry":16endi8i said:
No cell phone (never owned one), no satellite or cable, and not on facebook!! I wonder how many folks under the age of 40 can say that.

Not too many. We recently got smart phones- Hubs needed his for work, and my friend insisted I dump my old flip phone and gave me her old smart phone.

We haven't had TV service (satellite) for years- but we do buy movies to watch.

Zass":16endi8i said:
I'm pretty sure 1/2 of my kids "academically gifted" status is a direct result of them growing up without a television. ;)

Yep. Our kids actually thanked us shortly after we dumped our satellite service. :p
No tv for us either cable company went out of business about 15years ago..I won't pay for what passes as tv now..nothing but garbage. My daughter pays for Netflix but that's for her kids.. hubby recently discovered Hulu when I go to his study he is watching old movies.. :lol:
I haven't had cable (or antenna) TV in... probably 20 years?? :shock:
But I DO watch certain shows on Netflix (or Hulu). We have family movie time almost every night from about 7pm - 8:30pm, either Netflix or something we rented special. Generally speaking, the TV stays off the rest of the day (exceptions include when I sometimes let my son watch his choice from Netflix during special occasions).

I feel that even though we still watch 'stuff', it's VERY much reduced our time watching 'TV', and we almost never have to watch commercials. :)
Zass":1b69w118 said:
WhWRabbitry":1b69w118 said:
I would definitely enter if I was still a facebooker! I went off facebook 6 months ago and haven't regretted it.
I wonder what percentage of the population I fit into - ha.
No cell phone (never owned one), no satellite or cable, and not on facebook!! I wonder how many folks under the age of 40 can say that.
It's funny the reactions I get when people want to text and I say I don't own a cell phone! :D

I have no cell(husband has a trac phone for emergencies), no TV, and facebook exists just to be able to contact rabbit people, and I'm...32.
I got a Nextel about 20 yrs ago, and that was the worse mistake I ever did, in more ways than one!! I don't consider myself to be a hard person to find, if people really needed me, so what's the point? If I am not home, that means that I am working, and dont want to be, or can't be bothered by people wanting to know what I'm doing. Call my house and leave a message, and I'll get back to you once I'm done doing what I have to do, simple. BTW, I do own a landscaping business, and still refuse to have one!!
As for television, I cannot go with out sports!! Between sports and truly reality shows: ie, DIY, home makeovers and stuff like that, I could care less. This might not be appropriate for this site, but I refuse to watch regular tv or movies with actors and actresses telling me how to live my life, just because they think they are better than me, because it takes them a month or 6 months to make a show!! Just my opinion!!

Oh, and FB, I find myself gradually receding myself from that too. Too much drama and I don't have enough time to deal with it. I do like to play Scrabble and keep in touch with friends, but other than posting my daily Bible verses and encouraging words, I don't deal with it much anymore.
We all own cell phones, but they are "dumb" phones. We have no landline. When we first moved here, there wasn't a landline run down our road anyway.

We have one TV, and an antenna. When the TV is on, it's usually on a channel with cooking shows, home repair shows, etc. We do watch football. We have a VCR and a DVD player, and we use them mostly for old movies and old TV shows. Currently going through the "Batman" series from the '60s, which Bunny-Wan Kenobi received from an uncle for Christmas.

Internet is by satellite, and we have a certain amount of bandwidth per month allotted to us, and then we get throttled. Usually can't play videos when we're throttled, but we can still do most everything else... just more slowly. Can't do streaming stuff like Netflix or Hulu.

Facebook is primarily for connecting with family and other rabbit people. :)
It's interesting to me how much in general at least a good amount of rabbit people are alike in their thinking.

Greg, I'll have to look up where in TN Crossville is. Though we live in N. Indiana we love the Smoky Mountains and have gone to TN nearly every year, if not more than once each year for over 20 years. We have been there this week and are heading home tomorrow. I will miss these mountains!