Critique of my first two mini rexes

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New member
Jun 7, 2012
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Hello everyone,
I used to own an otter mini rex just as a pet way back, and now recently acquired two does. I missed having rabbits and have also been interested in doing more than just keeping them as pets. I am just beginning to pour over the wealth of information on the internet about showing mini-rexes, colors, standards of perfection, breeding, showing, etc....Perhaps in the near future I may either begin showing and breeding but I want to do my share of research before I get into anything.

I was wondering if anyone had any critiques to offer of my does and their pedigrees? Where to start reading online....if these girls would be worth breeding, and so on. After a bit of reading, I am guessing that my tri fawn is not show worthy because it isn't recognized? And my red wouldn't be, because she has white nails? I've been on the ARBA website and have looked over some mini rex color standards. If this is true, are they worth breeding? Both just turned 6 months old.

If I need to take better pictures, I'd be more than happy to. Thanks for any direction you can point me in and any advice/info on my does :) Sorry for being so vague, I just don't even know where to begin!



Her eyes are not red, it's the flash.

that is a harlequin, which is not showable, but broken harlequin (tri) is showable. You can use unshowable colors to produce showable colors, just take care with who you breed them two, and let any breeder who you sell them to know what might pop up.
skysthelimit":10ugfn2x said:
that is a harlequin, which is not showable, but broken harlequin (tri) is showable. You can use unshowable colors to produce showable colors, just take care with who you breed them two, and let any breeder who you sell them to know what might pop up.

What kinds of colors would be good to breed to them, you think?
Wish you were closer I like the Harlie doe, she posed pretty good for you there, if she is pedigreed and had babies I would want one or her if you sell her. Lol!
Darn distance!!!
With the red you should just breed her with red, the Harlie you could breed her with a broken of about any color, she should throw some tri colors. Probably more harlies too. I wouldn't breed her with a solid color, most people use harlies for pets unless specifically working on tri colors. Seems most serious breeders also don't want tri color carriers in their lines either so it will make them harder to sell unless someone is specifically breeding for tri colors. Tri colors are harder to get nice ones that can compete so it may take years to get the right type, coat, color etc on a tri color, but it sure is fun when they kindle and you see all the color surprises!!
Hope that helps!
I would breed the harlie to a nice looking Charlie, you would get all tricolors then, tri colors as mentioned above, aren't sought out as much for breeding. They sell quite well on the pet market though!

...who is best pony
I don't think that is a red but a chocolate tort.. but she could be a chocolate Harlequin as well.. if you find a really nice small broken or charlie buck you could probably breed up to some showworthy kits! I would get a self buck though; no non extension or ej then you would get showable colours in some of the kits right away!

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