My last bale of hay was EXTREMELY dusty and my NZR buck Enderman came up with a raging case of goopy eye that lasted until that particular bale ran out, no matter how much shaking it out I did. No sneezes, no mucus out the nose, no matted paws.
Hay change, and zwoop, eye issue clears right up! No problem! But.... the buck in the cage to his right, Trooper, now has two goopy eyes! No sneezing, no matted paws. But it showed up with the new hay change-over. Could this be a case of creeping something??? No other rabbits are showing signs of this and Enderman's left side cage partner, Wheatley, never showed a goopy anything.
I will post pics after I clean out the cages.
Cage layout, two levels, one above the other.
: Wheatley : Enderman (original goop) : : Trooper (new goop) : : Rainy & kits :
: Heaven & kits : : Clue : : Megan :
As you can see, the discharge has dried to powder today and there is no more liquid discharge. I wiped his eyes with chamomile tea after I took the pictures in case there was other irritations. I also changed the style of his hay feeder in case he was getting poked in the eyes going after it. Trooper has had a history of eye boogers in the past, but this was nothing like that. I moved his shade to the side of his cage since that's the side that looks right at Rainey and her kits (I know, closing the barn door after the horse escaped) so there could be no sharing of whatever germies, if this is a germ case.
Thoughts? Reassurance?
Hay change, and zwoop, eye issue clears right up! No problem! But.... the buck in the cage to his right, Trooper, now has two goopy eyes! No sneezing, no matted paws. But it showed up with the new hay change-over. Could this be a case of creeping something??? No other rabbits are showing signs of this and Enderman's left side cage partner, Wheatley, never showed a goopy anything.
I will post pics after I clean out the cages.
Cage layout, two levels, one above the other.
: Wheatley : Enderman (original goop) : : Trooper (new goop) : : Rainy & kits :
: Heaven & kits : : Clue : : Megan :
As you can see, the discharge has dried to powder today and there is no more liquid discharge. I wiped his eyes with chamomile tea after I took the pictures in case there was other irritations. I also changed the style of his hay feeder in case he was getting poked in the eyes going after it. Trooper has had a history of eye boogers in the past, but this was nothing like that. I moved his shade to the side of his cage since that's the side that looks right at Rainey and her kits (I know, closing the barn door after the horse escaped) so there could be no sharing of whatever germies, if this is a germ case.
Thoughts? Reassurance?