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You actually can use an(obviously cleaned) garbage disposal to do a large amount of apples, you attach it to a stand alone sink, run your apples through it with a bucket lined with cheescloth in the bottom to catch the pulp, press out the juice using a home-made apple press that uses a car jack for pressure- and feed your critters all the pomace. I always used apple cider vinegar for the rabbits in their water- they seemed to have nicer coats when I used it.
That's amazing!!! Juicers are so expensive and I'm so broke...maybe I'll look into getting an old garbage disposal unit and rigging it up for such use. Might be a fun winter project!!!

Thanks guys!!!!!!! This forum is so amazing, I swear I learn something new and VALUABLE every single day!!!!! :)
Yes, there are videos- I've watched them and that's when I decided to try doing it. I'll pick up my garbage disposer this week, and the sink to go with it- all for about 20.00. We have apple trees that line the north side of our property that haven't really been used in years- so we'll take the tractor over to the trees- load it up with apples, and see what cider we can make. Pretty excited about this whole thing- I like to be able to use what I can grow to eat myself, as well as feed my family, and we are able to grow most of our food for our animals on our farm as well.
Veliraf":1vnuca31 said:
We have apple trees that line the north side of our property that haven't really been used in years- so we'll take the tractor over to the trees- load it up with apples, and see what cider we can make. Pretty excited about this whole thing- I like to be able to use what I can grow to eat myself, as well as feed my family, and we are able to grow most of our food for our animals on our farm as well.
Years ago, Organic Gardening had an article in it about how someone rejuvenated a very old, non-productive orchard-- involved judicious pruning, and a bit of well placed compost. the trees started producing in one year---

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