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Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
Utica, NY vicinity
Surely it cannot be this difficult to make a decision !

I have a decision to make concerning our rabbits. There are two possible choices. Either would be acceptable and i could live with the outcome.
However... i am driving myself to distraction ! :p One moment... Option A is the way i want to go... and that is great. Then by the end of the day... Option B is sounding better and better. By morning i may have changed my mind yet again .

I find myself in complete envy of those that can make a decision... and go straight ahead...

There must be those who have developed a strategy for making decisions.... and i hope they would share.... I'm getting very close to simply flipping a coin. :(
As usual, excellent advice from Mystang! :p

However, if you are still dithering, I would suggest making a list of pros and cons for each option. Hopefully that will clarify which would be the better course. :)

If not... elaborate on your problem and let RT take a vote.

We already have two votes in place from Mystang and his lovely (and beleaguered!) wife.

Ooh! Now 3 votes! :p
Gee... Ya'll are a helpful group... :lol: :p Seriously.. that is the main reason i posted here...

In any livestock endeavor there will be hard decisions that come up and progress is put on hold Until and Unless those decisions are made.

I am more interested in How people finally settle on an answer when both sides of a choice have beneficial results.
How does one get off the Hamster Wheel type of thinking ?
Do some actually write out the pros and cons ? Do people really flip a coin ? Do some just pick one and lets the chips fall as they will ??

Logical thinking would be so much easier... but emotions get involved and really tangles things.
( Where is Spock when You need him ? !!! ;) ) <br /><br /> __________ Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:42 pm __________ <br /><br />
Ramjet":1hueqizh said:
I vote for option C. :wr_wall:

Sorry... we only have A and B .... :D
any more and my head would go splody
Deciding what to do with a given situation is generally a quick decision.
Whenever I'm faced with an either or type situation, i go with my first instinct.
Seems like the deciding factor for you would be more in the long term results, and your ultimate desired outcome.
It also seems like either side of the coin would work.
Think long term, and what your ultimate goals are, weigh each possible outcome, and roll with it.
Random Rabbit":1poktg5g said:
Ramjet":1poktg5g said:
I vote for option C. :wr_wall:

Sorry... we only have A and B .... :D
any more and my head would go splody

Option C is a combination of A & B .... Keep both rabbits! (or do both , you get the idea)
I am one of those people who write down both the pros and cons on the decisions I have to make. Sometimes it is just a simple one page list or maybe it takes up an entire full wall length mirror (dry erase markers for the win!) and I ponder it for a bit, sleep on it over night then I make my decision. Once I make that dang decision I stick to it like white on rice....
MamaSheepdog":809zq9h7 said:
However, if you are still dithering, I would suggest making a list of pros and cons for each option. Hopefully that will clarify which would be the better course. :)
Random Rabbit":809zq9h7 said:
Do some actually write out the pros and cons ?
This is precisely what we do if faced with a tough decision. :) The only thing is, it requires complete honesty, especially about the cons. If you find you really like one of the options, but you keep switching to the other, maybe there's a good reason. Maybe one that keeps troubling the deep, dark, cobwebbed recesses of your mind, and you keep shoving it back when it tries to come out, because you don't want to admit it's a valid reason against.

So have a good pencil-and-paper brainstorm, and write out all the pros and cons you can think of for each. You can even include your emotional attachments in the list, just make sure that it's mostly rational thoughts. You may find that one is the clear winner, however fond of the other idea you may be. You may find that the difference is more subtle, and you have to weigh them against each other more closely... but at least you can do it, since it's all on paper in front of you.

Sagebrush":809zq9h7 said:
Once I make that dang decision I stick to it like white on rice....
Yep. If you don't do this, you just get back on the hamster wheel.

Random Rabbit":809zq9h7 said:
Do some just pick one and lets the chips fall as they will ??
I do this if a quick, but relatively unimportant, decision is required.

azbowhunter":809zq9h7 said:
Seems like the deciding factor for you would be more in the long term results, and your ultimate desired outcome.
This is very good, and should be a big part of this decision. You could do this instead of the pro/con thing. Write down your ultimate goals for the rabbitry, then decide whether A or B will work best to get you there.

mystang89":809zq9h7 said:
My wife votes option B. I say go for option A. Hope this helps :)
Zass":809zq9h7 said:
I'm going to second the vote for option B. :whistle:
Ramjet":809zq9h7 said:
I vote for option C. :wr_wall:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I am with AZ, I am more of a gut reaction type. Hubby and I usually discuss big decisions once, and we're done. Too many times, delays and indecision can end up making the decision for you by taking away or irrevocably changing one of the options.

Where I take my time is on the details of the path we decide on. For that part of it, we become very much "Measure twice, cut once" people.

Maybe clear your head of anything dealing with your dilemma for a day or two. Don't allow it to enter your mind. Then come back to it afterwards, and maybe the right decision will be clear. *fingers crossed for you*
I'm a gut reaction type myself and my wife is a write pros and cons down type.

We recently had a big decision to make as far as whether I should stay working at my current place for the job security and benefits or take a job offer that paid more and was more exciting, but in a volatile industry. My gut reaction was 50/50 and when I wrote down the pros and cons, they were about even.

My wife, who's one of the smartest people I know, said to flip a coin. I did and she asked how I felt about the decision. Neither of us were comfortable with the resulting coin flip and made our decision based on that feeling.

So flip a coin and see how you feel about it. That should tell you which way to go when all things seem equal.
I start with research.
Even small decisions like buying a used car require hours of looking up various different vehicles and coming to a firm understanding of EXACTLY WHAT I WANT in a vehicle. Not "what someone says is the best" or "what is the biggest" or "most efficient" or "most popular".

Well, most efficient maybe, if it also comes with being dependable and comfortable, and it is old enough my husband can do repairs himself, because he loves to make those machines work.

See, I make sure I know MY criteria. Not anyone else's. The beginning process for me is to learn enough about a subject to develop that criteria.

Once you know what you want, you just have to figure out how to get there, right?

Gut feelings are really important to that equation too, of course. It's hard to describe, but I trust my guts to be able to tell me what I am looking for.

So...when do we get to hear about your situation? Maybe we can help coming up with some pros and cons?
I'm more with the gut reaction people. I sit on a decision until instinct tells me what to do. If I don't find any option to be better in my opinion then I wonder how it affects other people and what someone like my husband would prefer I do. Sometimes certain choices will help keep the peace in the house and if I don't care either way it's worth following that decision.
Most of the day-to-day decisions I go with logic and gut reaction. For more complicated decisions, I usually hash it out - use a friend or relative as a sounding board and get their take in case I'm missing something...Has worked so far :)
MaggieJ":3uedcl3t said:
Generally I weigh the pros and cons - writing them down if the situation is complicated - and then I ask myself: "Yes, but Maggie, what do you really WANT to do." Works for me.

...Does Maggie normally talk back? :?

Anyway, for me it depends on the situation but given a situation where both choices are morally acceptable I will generally choose whichever has the greatest return and least amount of negatives, whether it be more difficult or not. Feelings don't really come into play for me as I believe it doesn't matter what I feel as long as the choice and consequences are right. Feelings leave or are lessened overtime, consequences can be much longer lived.
mystang89":2hqwne48 said:
MaggieJ wrote:Generally I weigh the pros and cons - writing them down if the situation is complicated - and then I ask myself: "Yes, but Maggie, what do you really WANT to do." Works for me.

...Does Maggie normally talk back? :?


I mean, umm... How dare you :pokeeye: at MaggieJ! :evil: Respect, Mystang, RESPECT!

Boy, you are getting brave.

Remember... MidnightCoder is her son, and I am quite certain he can provide her with unlimited smileys-of-destruction to employ against you! :twisted:
Oh, I know better than to take anything Mystang says seriously, MSD. :roll:

The thing is, decision-making is a very personal thing. Mystang obviously prefers head decisions. Other people make heart decisions and still others make gut decisions.

Some of us, because of our upbringing, have a certain amount of trouble with shoulds, which can complicate decision-making no end. This is the reason I always make sure my decisions are what I want to do, not what I think I should do.

Mystang, it's quite okay if you think this is weird or silly. The OP asked a serious question and I gave a serious answer, based on my life experience. Your :pokeeye: is amusing but it does not affect my stand on this subject.