Could it be snuffles?

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Well-known member
May 3, 2017
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Dresden, TN
So my doe has been a tad warmer than the others for about a week. A few days ago she had a sneezing fit like there was something in her nose. There hasn't​ been any more sneezing, but her nose is running. It isn't snotty it discolored, but there is a bit dried on her front paws. I listed to her lungs this morning and gently bounced a bit, and I didn't hear any fluid, so I have that . She has 6week old kits who aren't having any problems and look like pictures of health. Could she just be having some allergies, could she maybe have like a scratch I from something actually being in her nose, or could it be the onset of snuffles? Thoughts please!!! I'll try and get some pictures of her nose and paws


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If you haven't had any new rabbits in a while, for now I'd just quarantine her in a clean area.

Monitor her weight, how much mucus she gets, if she gets absesses on her paws and so on. After a week or 2 you should be able to tell better
Thanks. I suppose I'm lucky that her kits are already weaning. I'll keep a close eye on her. I do have a new rabbit that I just took out of quarantine with no signs of illness. We also recently have had to bring them in the house a few times due to sever weather (tornado weather) and a home auto shop catching fire down the street (ash filled the air). We are also in Tennessee along the Mississippi River so we have bad allergen rates
Tea Time....
Do you have water bottles or open water crocks?

I ask because my growouts often have legs like this because they can't seem to stay out of the water crocks!!
I also get sneezing occasionally, but again, I see that a bunny has gotten dunked into the water by a sibling.... (I would love to sit and watch them more than I do now... some of the antics I catch just doing chores has me laughing out loud in the barn!)

Quarantine if you can and wait... I am currently trying to find a vet to do a culture for a quarantined rabbit I got last month...... she was sneezing and still does occasionally, but I havn't seen any secondary symptoms... I would rather not cull as she has a lot to add to my breeding program.
I primarily use bottles, but I occasionally give a crock with ice cubes when it gets hot. I've had her quarantined for a few days now and plan on keeping her quarantined for a week or two. So far I still haven't heard any more sneezing after the one fit, and she does have any other signs of illness other than crusty front paws. Really hoping that she is just having allergies because of where we live. I really don't want to Cull her because so far she is my only breedable doe, and we just started up as a rabbitry about two months ago. Fingers crossed <br /><br /> -- Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:57 pm -- <br /><br /> Well I managed to get a whole day of just sitting silently with her. Thankfully there was no sneezing or wheezing after all day. I cleaned up her paws some to see if anything new shows up. Going to check her paws soon, so here's hoping. One thing that my husband brought to my attention that helps support this being a case of allergies is that this all seemed to start the day after he mowed the yard, so there is that thought too
Thank you everyone. I suppose I should clear one this up a bit with my quarantine schedule. The week or two was me keeping her inside for that long, we are still working on our outdoor quarantine hutch and that is how long we expect to take to finish it up. Sorry if I confused anyone into thinking that I was going to put her right back into the rabbitry after two weeks. Now for some good news, I know that it hasn't been quite a full week, but I have been watching her. Everything seems to have sorted itself out for the most part. Like I posted before there is no sneezing or wheezing, there has been no weight loss (not even a tiny bit), there has been no loss of appetite, there is nothing​ new on her paws now that I cleaned them up to monitor them. I'm still going to keep her quarantined, but it seems like it was allergies since there hasn't been any new symptoms, and the one there was seems to have stopped <br /><br /> -- Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:57 pm -- <br /><br /> Well so far so good. It seems like whatever it was has completely cleared up!!! I'm still keeping her in quarantine at least until the first week of July despite her looking like there is nothing wrong, but there are no symptoms if anything. :)
I agree with Maggie!!!!
I've had my newest bunny in quarantine for over a month now.... she never had crusty paws..... just a little bit of snot and a little rattle after a 3 day show .... she was treated with PenG and had not shown any symptoms since.

Was it Bordetella? Is it Pasturella and just hiding? :eek: :shock:

I show my rabbits and I would not be able to do that if I introduce Pasturella to my herd.... so I would rather be safe than sorry....
Thank you for your concern SarniaTricia. I put her in quarantine just before making this post, immediately after I got her pictures. I'm keeping her in quarantine until the first week of July, so she'd be in quarantine for a full months time. The week or two from earlier I tried to clear up as her having to be quarantined inside while we finished our outdoor quarantine hutch. Thank you all for your input on this topic
TeaTimeBunnies":1krb8h6m said:
Thank you for your concern SarniaTricia. I put her in quarantine just before making this post, immediately after I got her pictures. I'm keeping her in quarantine until the first week of July, so she'd be in quarantine for a full months time. The week or two from earlier I tried to clear up as her having to be quarantined inside while we finished our outdoor quarantine hutch. Thank you all for your input on this topic
Found the data on a lab that you can send a sample to ....
It is affordably but I think it is worth it... because even after 30+ days, you will not be sure.... and if you are like me, I need to know.
Next week is her last week of quarantine. Nothing at all has shown up/come back so I feel it would be pretty safe to put her back next Friday. I'm glad that this was just a scare rather than it actually being snuffles. It would've been a really hard blow on my rabbitry seeing as we just started. Thank you all again!! :D