Confusing Doe.

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Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
Fairmount, Illinois
So one of my does were due yesterday.(not sure of she is pregnant) I put the nestbox in on day 28, and she really didn't care about it. Just laid beside it, like what the hell do I do with this? Lol. Yesterday was day 31, and she was in her box all day only coming out to get a drink, nibble some pellets then back in the box. She threw her hay out of the box, so I proceeded to stuff it back into the box, and that's when she did something she had never done before. She got mad at me. As soon as I touch, or get near the box she starts grunting, and shoving the hay to where she wants it. If I was walk by her cage, and she's out she'll run right to her box, and grunt as if she was thinking I was going to touch something. It's now 9:30PM on day 32, and still no kits, but she continues to rarely leave her nest, and no fur has been pulled yet. Could she be late since this is her first litter? This is also my first breeding so even though I have read about rabbit birth, and what to look until my eyes bleed, I have no personal experience, and every doe is different.
Don't have anything to add other than to say hang in there! Sounds like it could be maternal instinct but also could be that she's territorial over the new bed she has claimed.....I do think it's possible she's late, but that could be true with any doe if it's only day 32.
HansenHomestead":1c94vu2b said:
So one of my does were due yesterday.(not sure of she is pregnant) I put the nestbox in on day 28, and she really didn't care about it. Just laid beside it, like what the hell do I do with this? Lol. Yesterday was day 31, and she was in her box all day only coming out to get a drink, nibble some pellets then back in the box. She threw her hay out of the box, so I proceeded to stuff it back into the box, and that's when she did something she had never done before. She got mad at me. As soon as I touch, or get near the box she starts grunting, and shoving the hay to where she wants it. If I was walk by her cage, and she's out she'll run right to her box, and grunt as if she was thinking I was going to touch something. It's now 9:30PM on day 32, and still no kits, but she continues to rarely leave her nest, and no fur has been pulled yet. Could she be late since this is her first litter? This is also my first breeding so even though I have read about rabbit birth, and what to look until my eyes bleed, I have no personal experience, and every doe is different.

Rearranging her furniture for her was how I got my first deep biting gash from my frankenbunny pregnant doe....
HansenHomestead":1eeftd40 said:
Oh I fixed it that first time then left her be, lol. She has also been a sweet girl, so for her to get all up in mighty about they hay was really new for us both. I pop out to the garage every hour to check her.

I know what you mean! That viper mouth scared the crap out of me!! She was always so nice before.....
What happend to that doe tiny buns, did she meet her 24 hr deadline and kindle or is she in the freezer?
Ya know how humans can be really grumpy when they are pregnant? Rabbits can be too! :lol:
She's just saying, "don't touch that! its mine!"
It is possible she is late on her due date. My most recent doe was a first time mom too, and she didn't pull any fur. She just popped out 8 little babies one day when she was playing in the yard! xD

Hopefully she will throw you a few nice kits :) Keep us updated!
I only say be careful.....I rearranged the hay and usually she did not approve. This time she let me move it, then I started stroking her ears the way she likes it and she turned around and chomped me :(

I can't blame her....I was a bit testy at the end of 9 months myself lol
Oh I remember when I was 9 months pregnant. NO ONE was allowed to touch me, haha. After so long of poked at I was done, lol.
I just rechecked my calendar, and it is day 32 right now.
She is a cross, and was bred with my sunning Cal buck so I think they'll make some really cute babies.
The best thing to do is leave them alone. They are already nervous , us disturbing them , constantly looking in on them only makes it worse .... Easier said than done I know.
I told my husband I want a GoPro cam to mount in there so I would stay out haha. It's now dat 33, and still no kits. I have another doe due tomorrow, and one due Wednesday. I've had my doubts that any of them are pregnant, but you never know.
HansenHomestead":gm2skcyu said:
I told my husband I want a GoPro cam to mount in there so I would stay out haha. It's now dat 33, and still no kits. I have another doe due tomorrow, and one due Wednesday. I've had my doubts that any of them are pregnant, but you never know.

My wife had one so we could watch the kids when we weren't home that was controlled remotely thru an app on your phone.
So "B" the one this threat was about is more active outside of her nestbox today, and still no kits. Luna is due tomorrow, and she is now spending almost all of her time in her nestbox. She kicked out a lot of her hay so I put it back, and as I was sticking it back in the box she was smashing it down with her feet, then pushing it in the corner with her front paws.


Oswin is due Tuesday, and she is also in her box more than normal, and she's digging a lot at the side of her cage. No one has pulled any fur yet.

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