You will not likely get red in the first generation but should get some in the second.
The red is caused by two recessive genes acting on a plain chestnut rabbit - non-extension and wideband. The rich rusty red is caused by another set of genes called Rufus factors, the more Rufus factors the redder the rabbit. As Rufus or red tinting is not desirable in blue rabbits your Americans probably have no, or very few, Rufus factors and your first group of reds will actually look more fawn or orange.
The blue is caused by the self and dilution reccessive genes modifying a chestnut rabbit. Just the self gene will create blacks and adding the dilution creates blue.
The first generation of red on blue will likely result in chestnuts and possibly blacks and REW depending on any hidden recessives your stock carries. All of theses kits will carry the self, blue/dilution gene, non-extension and wideband genes. Keep the chestnuts with a mandolin shape for breeding stock but if the there is another colour kit with better body type you can use it, unless it is REW (try and get this gene out of your stock as it hides a rabbits true colour) as well but it will take longer to get the red colour.
If you breed a brother to a sister chestnut from this litter you will start getting all sorts of colours, including red.
Learning the genotype is very helpful in sorting out colours as names vary according to breed
Genetically your
Blue = aa B_ Cc dd E_ WW
Red = A_ B_ C_ D_ ee ww
If you know what colour the parents of your rabbits were or their sibling or offspring we can fill in some of the blank spots
First generation chestnut = Aa __ __ Dd Ee Ww
First generation black = aa __ __ Dd Ee Ww
First generation REW = __ __ cc Dd Ee Ww
__________ Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:51 am __________
Aa Bb C_ Dd ee black tortoise shell
A_ B_ C_ dd ee blue tortoise shell
I think auto correct may have capitalized the 'a' in error
The correct genotype is..
aa B_ C_ D_ ee black tortoise shell
aa B_ C_ dd ee blue tortoise shell