Colony Grow Out Pen Density and Other Questions

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May 14, 2013
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Darke County, Ohio
In the near future I will have bunnies to grow out, and I am considering doing them in a colony. First question is how much space should I allow for each? Is there any issues of having the colony pen on concrete so long as I bed it with wood shavings or straw? If I put my colony on pasture or grass, will they try to dig out provided I have them out by 10 weeks? What, if any, are the cons of using a colony type grow out pen? I'm guessing coccidiosis is a concern.

I have enough cages to use if I wanted to go that route, but it seems like a colony would be easier.
I have my main colony on concrete, works fine :) The concrete may be stained in the pottycorners but bedding will keep it smell-free.

Swedish law say that rabbits in a group should have 0.35 square metres each. It could be a guideline but I think it would be rather crowded and I don't know if they'll fight or not. At what age will you remove them from the grow out colony?

I think they'll dig out if they can. A wire bottom with larger mesh prevents that. I know some who raise grow outs in rabbit tractors/grazing cages which are moved daily to fresh grass :)

Add plenty of hideouts and shelves. They like that and it prevents fighting.

Coccoidia is no concern if you keep it clean. You can also use StalosanF directly on the bedding. I muck out the potty corners once a week, and pour some Stalosan on it. Then when I see any berries building up, I just add some straw som the surface is fresh. Everyone in sweden has solid floors and bedding, and coccoidia isn't very common anyhow. It excists, but it's fairly rare.

Keeping cages in case the younglings start fighting might be good.
Hello! Very first post on the forums even though I have been reading for a few months now. I am glad you brought up this post as I am debating the exact same questions. I hope you don't mind me contributing questions so that we can both get answers.

Currently I have 1 buck and 4 doe, all in separate cages. Then I have 3 other cages for the grow out pens. My idea came when I ran across this video on youtube:

My idea is to keep the buck and doe in their cages and then wean the babies at 6 weeks and straight into the grow out colony. I would like to have something similar to the one in the video.

Any pros and cons to that?
Thanks for posting that link to the video rgon. I've never thought of using bottomless buckets in my colonies, but I will now.

I have some colony pens on concrete, but I prefer the ones on grass which all have 2 x 2 mesh on the bottom to stop digging.

I am building a new colony pen right now for weaned to 16 week old rabbits only. For the first time ever I'm going to try not putting wire on the bottom so it will be easier to move. If it doesn't work I'll just add wire for next summer.