College article. (updated) Link provided

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Nice to know theres still articles being written on real agriculture. Especially having featured someone as talanted as you.
A lot of articles put in farming magazines and papers these days is people showing off how big and/or fancy thier farms are.
The article was well written. I enjoyed it. I hope this article reaches the eyes of those who might become inspired to add rabbit to their diets. Spread the word Grumpy!
Thanks everyone.

Now.............a "Seminar" has been scheduled on June 21st here at the farm.
8-10 people will be visiting, wanting to learn about raising rabbits for meat.
There will be another, later in the fall to show how to process the rabbits.

All will be screened ahead of time to make sure of their intentions
before they are allowed access to my property. The seminar is scheduled
for two hours. I'll get a stipend of $75.00 for my time from the university.

Hopefully, all will go well.
