cloudy eyes -- UPDATED

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2010
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My friend has a mini rex kit, almost 3 wks old, that has cloudy eyes. It is smaller than the rest of the kits.
What is your opinion? Would you:
a) Raise and sell as pet, making sure buyer is aware of the eyes
b) Raise and give away as pet, making sure buyer is aware
c) Raise and slaughter for meat
d) Just wait and see what happens for now
e) Cull the kit right away to put it out of its misery and not waste mom's milk and energy and my friend's time
f) none of the above
Or do you have a diagnosis/cure?
I will email your suggestions to her. Thank You! :)
Sorry about the kit.

Did it have a bad case of nestbox eye?

I have had one rabbit that had cloudiness because she had a very stubborn case, and the eye was scarred. She can try treating it with a non-steroidal ophthalmic ointment, but it is doubtful that it will actually heal the damage.

I would either use it for meat or cull it now.
I had 3 kits that had that, they were completely blind :( and it was E. Cuniculi
due to the fact that it is smaller than the rest, I'd cull it now. She could choose to raise it for meat but might take longer to grow out.
They never had nestbox eye.
I just got an update from her on the kit's progress. She said:
"His eyes are almost completely cleared up now. He is binkying around like all the other babies.
We were praying about what to do with him and I guess our prayers were answered."
She will keep an eye on him, but it looks like he is on the mend. :)