Clone and Peter, round 2

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Dec 21, 2009
Reaction score
South Central Wisconsin
Some may remember the problems I had when Mama-san, Clone, and Peter were all in the same colony. :( Everything was hunky dory until Mama kindled. Then SOMEONE went in and dug around in the nest, peed on the kits, etc. <sigh> Lost both litters (mama's and clone's.) I was fairly certain it was Clone (new momma) that caused the problem, and not Peter, but you just never know.

So....mama-san was rebred and is waiting patiently in her own room, while I left Peter in with Clone. Clone was given one last chance before going the way of all problem does. :roll:

Looks like she MIGHT get a reprieve. She kindled yesterday. Made a great nest in her nest tunnel. One kit dead, but looks like there are 7 squiggly little bodies in the nest. She's very protective of them, and so far she's taking good care of them.

I'm going to have to check then 2x a day at least, to make sure they're not being dragged around, or cold; and are being fed.

Peter is staying OUT of the nest tunnel this time. I'm hoping to be able to leave him in with her...Mama-san is right next door to them, and all three are quite bonded. Sure hope things go well this time.
If anyone has advice or suggestions, let me see em! Clone is, as her name suggests, an absolute clone of mama-san. Big meaty rabbit, nice full hips, skittery but not a mean bone in her body. I'd like her to be one of the herd does, but that required adapting to at least a PARTIAL colony setting.
she should figure it all out soon enough, new does often have beginners misfortune, i am thinking though with indoor colonys where the does dont actually dig their own tunnels they may do better with more tunnels than there are rabbits just in case, or run a layer of solid hay bales side by side to dig into