Its a bit time consuming but I buy the cheap really flexible black bristle hair brushes at the dollar store and use them to clean in between total washes. They're like a dollar or two for a pack of them here. I wet them down a bit before brushing the cages to catch as much of the dust, dried skin flakes, and hair as possible. They get off the muck and hair that sticks to them and are easily cleaned/sanitized or just tossed with out a lot of cost. I always use bleach on the cages and carriers, I don't want any illness or parasites coming in and ain't taking any chances, but it MUST be rinsed off completely or whatever it is on will not last. It doesn't clean, it just disinfects so it has to be used on clean cages/carriers/etc any way to be effective. If you try to use it on dirty things, its not going to do its purpose.