Chocolate Doe and Tort Buck

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Dec 21, 2009
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South Central Wisconsin
So....I'm getting a pure French Angora buck. Chocolate tort. The French doe is a Chocolate from a long line of Chocolates. Any ideas if she'll deliver mostly chocolates or mostly torts? or...Are there bunches of other possibilities? (please tell me 100% black isn't a possibility..I can't tell you how TIRED of black I am)

This next round of angoras is going to be colorful finally. Does: Himmie, Black, Broken Black, Blue Tort, Chocolate. Bucks are REW and ChocolatTort
wooohooo!!! She said no blacks!! :bananadance2:

I won't hold you to that, cuz you just never know what the bunnies actually are that are coming into the house, but....

Picked up the REW french angora just now. 9months old. Nice looking fellow. Quite friendly, thank heavens. He's destined for the Himmie girl, and 2 of the blacks. (all English/French crosses). My wool bunnies are getting a bit smaller each generation, and more English it's time for a bit of French, er, OOMPH!

And, well, YES I'm not supposed to be getting any more rabbits, but...but...
Ann is the french buck rew or chocolate tort? Your op said chocolate but you said you just got a rew buck?... you will not get blacks from chocolates ever it's impossible! BUT BUT BUT whats the REW hiding? LOL and yes pictures!!!! <<<<long day at work for me ;)
The REW I posted pictures of is 75% REW as you go back 4 generations. 25% Pearl-sable. He'd be a gamble, yup.

The chocolate tort buck is coming to the house in a couple of weeks. He's bringing along his 2 chocolate tort girl-friends. (supposedly unrelated). If I don't get carried away with this breeding thing, and have no does LEFT for him to ply his trade with, as it were, he'll be given a chance with one of his current girls, and then with Chocolate Bunny. (chocolate...dark chocolate) as well as the chocolate doe I asked about up above. Might cross chocolate bunny with Bingo (the REW) tho. he's a NICE rabbit.

After all this, one of the French Bucks is going off to live with a friend of mine who is a spinner and animal lover. She'll give him an excellent home, and might have a girl or two for him.
Ohhh ok I get it now lol Yes the rew buck sounds like he's carrying black- based colour in shaded varieties. Siamese sable and sable are very pretty, but they will override the chocolate gene! You need 2 chcolate genes to show chocolate and its always recessive to black based colours. So you may have a wack of bunnies there that are black on the outside and chocolate on the inside haha, which in further generations the chocolate will start popping up! We have gotten to the point where we can breed 2 blacks and get a rainbow litter of black chocolate lilac, blue! Its great!
oh great. I was hoping for WHITE or chocolate. I should have known I'd get more bloody blacks. :lol:

I can sell the chocolates as soon as they're born to the spinning folks. BUT! We'll take what we get :) Breed for the fiber and body, worry about the color later. And I do love getting a whole rainbow in the nestbox :) This last group had black tort, himmy, black, chocolate, and what looks like it might be a silvery dark gray. *might just be a strange black...can't tell with the angoras until the next coat comes in.

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