Changing out 'litterbox' bedding

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Jun 20, 2013
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Since my bunny's a big ole boy but his previous owners had him in a rather small cage, I've moved him into a large wire dog kennel with plastic flooring. And since it's hot down here in Louisiana, I often found him moving all of his bedding to the side to lay flat on the plastic. So, right now I have it so that half of the 'cage' is just the plastic flooring, and the other half is bedding in a litter box.

Now he's pretty much just using the bedding as his litter box, and spends the rest of his time in the cage splayed out on the plastic.

Now, I've read that you should only change the bedding about once a week. Before I converted his cage, I was changing it once a week, because I was going through bedding so quickly. But now that he's using the bedding as his litter box, I was wondering, do I need to change it more often? Can it still be changed once a week, or should I change it any time that it looks 'full'?
Is he really litter trained? If so, you might want to look into some non-toxic scoop away litters. I've heard feline pine is a good option for litter trained buns. You can remove the dirty spots daily, then just sprinkle a new layer in to refresh, switching the whole box out weekly/biweekly.
I use wood stove pellets(5$/40lbs) or equine wood pellet bedding(10$/35lbs) and change out once a week(for solo buns), or every other day(does with litters, pregnant buns, weanlings). All of my rabbits are pretty much litter trained, preferring to do their business in the box, and then lay on the floor of their cage the rest of the time. I put baking soda in, to help cut down on the smell, and also top dress it with hay between cleanings(solo buns 2x before cleaning, the others the day between cleanings). I found that switching to the wood stove pellets/equine bedding REALLY helped cut down on my rabbitry costs.