Caught Mama Bunny Eating Placenta ON CAMERA!!! (Video Attatched)

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Rabbits By DK

Raising rabbits for meat and pelts since Feb. '23
Jan 26, 2024
Reaction score
United States
So excited, first time in my life and probably the last, I caught one of my kindling mama bunnies in the act of birthing, and got her eating the placenta on camera. It's pretty amazing. (If you're worried by this, don't be, it's normal for the doe to eat the placenta right after birth to absorb the nutrients.)

View attachment bunnyplacenta.mp4

If you can't see the video above, check it out on my youtube channel:
So excited, first time in my life and probably the last, I caught one of my kindling mama bunnies in the act of birthing, and got her eating the placenta on camera. It's pretty amazing. (If you're worried by this, don't be, it's normal for the doe to eat the placenta right after birth to absorb the nutrients.)

View attachment 39848

If you can't see the video above, check it out on my youtube channel:

Congratulations!!!! So exciting!
I remember seeing one of my Does while she was doing this
She was the cage-aggresive one though so she kinda looked like a psychopath when she ate it staring right at me 😬
They do look rather zombie-like when eating them - eyes glazed over as the hormones are saying "Youuuu muuust doooo thiiiis" while the mouth and teeth are screaming "No! No!"