Can't decide on rabbitry name...

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May 2, 2016
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California, US
I need help deciding on a rabbitry name, folks. I kept telling myself I’d find something on my own, and it wouldn’t take forever, but here I am. :oops:

With our rabbitry slowly explanding (picking up our first buck on Saturday), I’m feeling the pressure to find a proper name soon! I can’t put our rabbitry name on the pedigree if we don’t have one, after all! I’ve been trying (actively trying… you guys should see the number of crossed off ideas!) to come up with something that we can use as our homestead name as well as the rabbitry name, and it has been slow going…

I finally have a short list of names that I like (and could see us using), but DH is at work (first week at the new fire station) so I can’t exactly pester him when inspiration strikes. :evil: :roll: I’ll have to get his final opinion tonight. In the meantime, I’d really appreciate a few outsiders’ opinions to troubleshoot any issues I might run into with the names I’ve come up with… and maybe some votes for favorites? :D

Some context as to our naming scheme: we’d like to incorporate a “fiery” theme (DH’s career revolves around fire, and it plays into our lives surprisingly often), didn’t want our name in it for privacy, and don’t want to tie it to a particular place (as we may or may not move in the future… we are still young). So, here are the names we have come up with so far:

Firewhirl Farm– one of the first fire phenomena my husband explained to me when he was first going through training… it looks terrifying, but beautiful! And I liked the alliteration.
Parhelion Homestead Rabbitry – not sure if I would shorten this to just “Parhelion Rabbitry” for the buns, but I like the flow of “Parhelion Homestead”. A parhelion is also called a sun dog, it’s a phenomenon of sunlight reflected in an atmospheric halo that appears as a bright spot (or spots) to the side of the sun. Saw my first parhelion in our new home, coincidentally, but the greek origins of the word mean “beside the sun”, and as our home is in the desert… ;)
Smoking Buns Rabbitry – This is both a play on words and very blunt; I’m quite the shot (smoking guns?), and we are raising our rabbits as a source of food (and who doesn’t love a smoking hot meal?). :mrgreen: Of all the names, I thought this would be the most likely to have been taken, but I haven’t found someone with this name yet.

So, since I can’t get DH’s final say until later… please help? :oops:
That's a tough one, Nymphadora. :thinking:

I understand you wanting a name that is meaningful to you and dh, but it also needs to make an immediate connection for your future customers. Unless you're totally happy with one of your choices, I'd postpone the decision. Is there a rush? You just got the buns and it will be a while before you have any for sale, I would think.

What I do when I'm trying to choose titles for my books is to brainstorm -- write down all the ideas that come to me even when I suspect they suck. My theory is that eventually the cream comes to the top.

Sorry I'm not more help . . . but this is an important decision only you and dh can make.
:clover: :clover: :clover:
MaggieJ":1zn3cpfa said:
Is there a rush?
I knew you would offer sage advice... yes and no. I don't necessarily have to register a rabbitry name with ARBA, from my understanding, and I probably won’t have home-bred buns that I want to sell for a while (so I won’t need the name on a pedigree for a while). But I am also terribly determined to have a name for our little homestead dream, and have spent the last 2 months coming up with names left and right. These are the ones I keep coming back to. And although Parhelion Homestead is the newest on the list, it’s the one that appeals most to me and just feels right (DH knows of it, I just haven’t told him I want to move forward and start reserving something yet). I just wanted some feedback to see what others thought, as well.
As far as connecting with customers… I agree that as a “brand” we should stick to a name that makes a statement or rings a bell. But we don’t really intend to sell a lot of rabbits (we’re breeding them mostly for our own meat, and the best might get shown). So the name is really for us, personally.

MaggieJ":1zn3cpfa said:
What I do when I'm trying to choose titles for my books is to brainstorm -- write down all the ideas that come to me even when I suspect they suck. My theory is that eventually the cream comes to the top.
I agree, this is a fantastic method! My little notebook is stuffed to the brim… like I said, 2 months trying to find a good name…

MaggieJ":1zn3cpfa said:
Sorry I'm not more help . . .
Whaaat?! Of course you were helpful! Making sure I don’t rush head-over-heels when I should be moving forward with patience? Sound advice! :grin:

My apologies if it came across as too hurried… I’ve been spitballing ideas back and forth for quite a while, and I originally had the idea that I wouldn’t ask for anyone else’s opinions/feedback but DH’s. But today after looking at the lists for the umpteenth time (and not being able to call DH right then and there) something kind of snapped. :rotfl:
I just had to speak to my friends on RT! :lol:
If the name is mainly for yourselves, then by all means choose the one that resonates for you and dh. :yes:

The choosing names/titles and the like is such a difficult process. I keep a file on my desktop with nothing but title ideas for my books. I keep adding to it. There's no real rush for me, since it will be a few months until the first one is polished enough to send off to a publisher. In the meantime, I am about 3/4 of the way through the third book. But it will come down to the crunch and if I still haven't decided I may have to post in the Coffee Table and get some help. :roll:
MaggieJ":73gfu128 said:
The choosing names/titles and the like is such a difficult process. I keep a file on my desktop with nothing but title ideas for my books. I keep adding to it. There's no real rush for me, since it will be a few months until the first one is polished enough to send off to a publisher. In the meantime, I am about 3/4 of the way through the third book. But it will come down to the crunch and if I still haven't decided I may have to post in the Coffee Table and get some help. :roll:
Oooh, congrats Maggie! That's awesome, I'm sure the right name will click by the time the book is finished! I'll be patiently waiting to see if a post pops up in the Coffee Table forum. :mrgreen: :popcorn:
If it were me, I think I'd like Smoking Buns, just because I love the pun. My rabbitry name came from the fact that we have golden retrievers and live in Oklahoma...
I think the "right" name will come to you, and will be obvious when it does. You've got time for it to happen.
My story was that apparently I picked the right name, but didn't know until someone rolled it up and hit me across the nose with it...

I registered a new email for the phone I took with me to the US to get the new angoras - I didn't want to lose the good one, so I set up my previous phone for the trip. I registered as "Angory Rabbit", which I was floored wasn't already taken.

So I'm down in the US, chatting with SixGun and musing about how I don't have a rabbitry name yet, and her response could be summarized as "Yeah! You do, what was that email about huh? It's like the perfect pun name!"

So apparently, I am now "Angory Rabbits", purveyor of Fine French Angoras. ;)
Ferra":24ufzipr said:
I am now "Angory Rabbits", purveyor of Fine French Angoras. ;)
Hahahaha, oh my gosh, I'm dying!!!! That's a great name, Ferra! :rotfl:

Thank you, everyone, for the great advice, and reminding me to be patient. I have such a hard time with it now that I have my first rabbits (and babies! I will never get tired of seeing those little monsters… even if they are pooping in mama’s feed bowl). It’s like I’ve been sitting at a red light, and now that it’s turned green I forgot that I’m still in neutral (for those that drive stick shift). :blush:

Smoking Buns is definitely still DH’s favorite, but I’ve promised to wait a while longer… and be patient. He told me the same thing everyone here has said. ‘We don’t need a name yet, and when the right one hits us, we will know’. So thank you everyone, I guess I needed to hear it more than once to get through my stubborn skull! :blush: :lol:

If ya'll wanna keep adding stories about a clever name you've come up with, or come across though, I love hearing about them!
My name is Ozarkansas Rabbit Farms because we are in the Ozark mountains (often call the ozarks) in Arkansas. Most of the ozarks are in Missouri so the Arkansas Ozarks are a little different. Ozarkansas is a term just not a very widely used one. Which added uniqueness to the name without coming up with something completely unheard of. As I decided which way I will go with my project I may decide to modify it ideas are
Ozarkansas Rare Breeds Farm (rare breeds of more than just rabbits)
Ozarkansas Rabbits & Cavies
Ozarkansas Beverens
Ozarkansas Rabbitry (sometimes I wonder why I didn't go with this one in the first place)
That's my story. Not even as funny as Ferra's though (love it BTW)
My Rabbitry name stems from the damage these animals can do to their servant. (me)

I got meat mutts from a friend that was getting out of rabbits..
I had helped a friend with her Rex, showing and just hanging out ..... so I had SOME experience with rabbits..

After getting the rabbits I started to notice that the rabbits were not so "cute and cuddly" (I still wonder why people want them as house pets...... but, each to their own) These rabbits were actually Bad Ass Kung Fu masters and all carried a set of 4 deadly switch blades!!!! (my arms could attest to this)

Of course like yourselves, I felt my rabbitry needed a name......
Because "Bad Ass Fung Fu Master Bunnies carrying Switch Blades" was too long, I shortened it to "Bad Ass Bunny Rabbitry"

SarniaTricia":1jv6yktv said:
... These rabbits were actually Bad Ass Kung Fu masters and all carried a set of 4 deadly switch blades!!!! (my arms could attest to this)....

You should see mine after 50 years of "cute". That and the drawers full of ruined T-shirts. :p
Sometimes they just don't want to be messed with. :twisted:
I occasionally post a rabbit for sale as a pet....
The first questions are always ... can you deliver, does that include a cage and are they friendly?

When I get those 3 questions:
"No, I don't deliver a $10 rabbit, If I did it would cost you $30."
"No, I do not have a free $50 rabbit cage to go with your $10 rabbit."
"Well, yes they are friendly... as long as you don't need to pick them up."
"the kids will want to cuddle them"
"then I suggest Kevlar.... I've found it a very good tool to use when picking up rabbits."
"Um... no thanks"

And I wonder why pet sales frustrate me.... lol :lol:

__________ Fri Dec 08, 2017 9:37 am __________

Sagebrush":2m7ludiu said:
Oh my gosh Sarnia Tricia, I almost got coffee all over my laptop while reading your story! I have scars to prove that not all rabbits are nice an cuddly too. But I just love the name, long and short version. :lol:

Thanks! <br /><br /> __________ Fri Dec 08, 2017 9:56 am __________ <br /><br />
Nymphadora":2m7ludiu said:
Firewhirl Farm– one of the first fire phenomena my husband explained to me when he was first going through training… it looks terrifying, but beautiful! And I liked the alliteration.
Parhelion Homestead Rabbitry – not sure if I would shorten this to just “Parhelion Rabbitry” for the buns, but I like the flow of “Parhelion Homestead”. A parhelion is also called a sun dog, it’s a phenomenon of sunlight reflected in an atmospheric halo that appears as a bright spot (or spots) to the side of the sun. Saw my first parhelion in our new home, coincidentally, but the greek origins of the word mean “beside the sun”, and as our home is in the desert… ;)
Smoking Buns Rabbitry – This is both a play on words and very blunt; I’m quite the shot (smoking guns?), and we are raising our rabbits as a source of food (and who doesn’t love a smoking hot meal?). :mrgreen: Of all the names, I thought this would be the most likely to have been taken, but I haven’t found someone with this name yet.

Personally I like FireWhirl Farm.... I think it is because I can already see a logo... But your Homestead/Rabbitry Name is yours and yours alone... so go with what "feels" right. :)
SarniaTricia":3ue0hfb6 said:
"the kids will want to cuddle them"
"then I suggest Kevlar.... I've found it a very good tool to use when picking up rabbits."
:p :rotfl: Love it!

SarniaTricia":3ue0hfb6 said:
Personally I like FireWhirl Farm.... I think it is because I can already see a logo... But your Homestead/Rabbitry Name is yours and yours alone... so go with what "feels" right. :)
Seems like everyone has different favorites! I tested them on my friends a while back, too, and I don't think I got a single repeat answer (I did give them a slightly longer list). Oh well, I think I'll just wait for a sign or something. :p :roll:
I like Smoking Buns. I think it's catchy and people like puns. It's also easy to remember and spell, so if you were going to have a website people could find it easily. It's also funny, even to me as a pet buns owner. The thought of meat rabbits turns my stomach but the name is super catchy! Please don't take that last statement wrong, I am all for freedom to raise rabbits for meat, but my point is that the name still appeals to me even though the literal meaning of the name does not. Hope that makes sense.

Plus it's like a triple pun, smoked rabbit meat, they could be bad boy bunnies smoking a cigarette, they could be bunnies with buns like JLo...
jenniferlanes":2ustqrgd said:
I like Smoking Buns. I think it's catchy and people like puns. It's also easy to remember and spell, so if you were going to have a website people could find it easily. It's also funny, even to me as a pet buns owner. The thought of meat rabbits turns my stomach but the name is super catchy! Please don't take that last statement wrong, I am all for freedom to raise rabbits for meat, but my point is that the name still appeals to me even though the literal meaning of the name does not. Hope that makes sense.

Plus it's like a triple pun, smoked rabbit meat, they could be bad boy bunnies smoking a cigarette, they could be bunnies with buns like JLo...
Don't worry, I understand people's hangups when it comes to meat rabbits. It's a personal choice and I wouldn't want to push it on anyone that wasn't open to the idea. :oops:

I'm glad the pun-y name is getting such good reviews! I quite like it, too! :D

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