Can't believe I got this much free wool......

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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2012
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I posted a want ad for fiber on Craigslist. Didn't hear anything for a week and forgot about it. Then Yesterday evening I got an email from a woman asking me to call her. The email said she has sheep and llama.

I called her a bit ago and boy am I glad I did. She has 20 large garbage bags full of wool from last year that she wants to "Give" me. Her nieces used to use the wool but have lost interest. She tried to sell it on craigslist once and noone was interested. So she said that if I drive the one hour I can have it all for free.

And as if that isn't awesome enough........

She said that I am welcome to all of her wool in the future as well. She has no use for it and no interest in trying to sell it.

I did some reading and apparently mixing shetland (which she has) and Angora (which I am getting) makes a really nice yarn for sweaters and such as well as outer clothing, depending on the percentage of angora.

So looks like buying a wheel just might be worth the expense after all.

She also said that she has a friend who burns all of her wool because the woman has no use for it either, so maybe just maybe I will be able to get hers as well. That would surely be the icing on the cake.

I will be heading there to pick up what she has tomorrow after church.
wow, that's a lot of wool! Can you even use that much in a year? I don't know how fast one garbage bag would last you, but it seems like it would be a long time. Congrats though :)
Yeah its possible. Especially if I get a spinning wheel in February. I'll have so much yarn going that I will have to figure out what to do with that then. lol
And to think Ill be getting another 20 bags when she sheers them again. Yay!!!

You are going to be spinning and spinning and spinning! :p

Maybe you can sell your yarn- since you are getting the wool for free, hopefully you could sell it at a nice profit.
I figure I can sell it for less and still make a profit. Or use it. Guess next project will be learn to knit. I can crochet though.
Run a ad asking local people with wool/fiber to contact you. There are people who have pet sheep but don't spin. This lady said she has a friend who burned all her wool cuz noone wanted it. I may be able to get that as well.
Whaaaaa?!! That is an amazing good fortune! Maybe I'll do the same thing in my area and snag some (at least cheap) wool too! I would have never thought that people would just burn their wool. But I guess since spinning is becoming a "lost art" there aren't too many people with a use for it.

Congrats on the great find!
I would recommend trying and if you don't find any right away just keep running the ad. Eventually something will come up. :)
There is some nice yarn on etsy for sure. I had to postpone picking up the wool until later in the week or Saturday because of a lovely little thing called an ice storm that we are getting right now.

I called the woman and she is so nice. I really look forward to meeting her and her sheep and llama. She is going to spread the word that I am looking for wool to others in the 4H group. Apparently she judges sheep at the fair every year. Amazing that I happened upon this opportunity. It will be nice to take the drive up to her little farm and just get away from it all from time to time. :)
That is ssoo cool! :p
And shetlands come in such pretty colors (that is what we have)! You'll have some beautiful products. Just make sure you post pics when you start making things! :D
I have spun some wool on a drop spindle and it went really well. But now the spindle is full of single ply yarn and I don't have a niddy noddy yet to put it on. I am considering wrapping it around a milk jug for now so that I can use the spindle again and then the milk jug will be my lazy kate for plying my yarns until I get better set up. My husband is supposed to bring me home some pvc pipe and t connectors so that I can make some niddy noddys of my own. I will have to remind him to get a small hack saw as well, since all of our tools are in michigan still. :)

I am anxious to be able to get a spinning wheel of my own. Maybe I can dye some of the wool and sell it to get enough money to buy one.... Or get my butt in gear crocheting some baby sacks and matching hats to sell. I am sure that my husband is going to put his foot down on just how much money I can spend. And I don't believe it includes a spinning wheel, so I better start finding ways to make a little money.
ya i just made a paypal and ebay account to start selling things. to save up for a wheel. and then hopefully i can make enough from the yarns to put away for my own place. *sighs* that would be nice.
I don't need to make that much..... I really hope you are successful in that. I just want to be able to buy a spinning wheel and a few other things. I used to make horse show apparel to sell on ebay and it was enough to support my horsey habit. Now theres an expensive hobby when you get into competing at higher levels.
pshhh..... i dunno maybe i'm just a cheapskate lol. i think spinning wheels are expensive.

wool is going for about $15 a pound at lowest. i've seen fibers going for more then that PER 2oz!

and wheels start at $300... fancy fancy ones i've seen over $1500 dollars...
This is a very expensive hobby but I doubt I will ever spend the money I did with horses but you never know. I am trying to get my husband to buy me a cheap $300 wheel to start with and hope to be able to make enough to buy a nicer one as time goes on. But right now I am having a hard time getting him to bring home the stuff to make a pvc niddy noddy.

The wool lady is going to talk to her 4H friends and see if she can get me more wool for free or at least cheap in the future. I cant believe how lucky I got on this.

I have decided to breed my angoras to build up my wooler herd. They are both REW so does that mean I will get all REW babies or a myster pack? I wonder? Never did understand REWs. :)<br /><br />__________ Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:02 am __________<br /><br />Curious, How many pounds of wool does the average Shetland sheep produce in a shearing? She said she clipped some lambs and kept their wool too. I have a feeling this is going to be like opening presents at Christmas.
tm_bunnyloft":3340pqvv said:
cheap $300 wheel

:shock: That's cheap? Wow, that really must be an expensive hobby. I'm sure you should be able to make some money off it though to counter the cost.