Can you get a solid color broken?

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Well-known member
May 25, 2012
Reaction score
Cumbria, UK
I took the hide off of one of my gold tipped steel NZs yesterday and the skin side was black and white in big patches. But the fur was all the same color.

Do broken come in solid colors? And if so, how do I get them to SHOW the broken?
I wonder if dominant black is dominant over broken! Generally, broken always shows if the rabbit has the gene (REW and BEW are the only exceptions i'm sure of). Can you have a steel with dominant black?
Whoa.... how strange! I have never seen that! :razz: Not that I'm some expert or something, but I just always figured if the skin showed broken, the fur would, too.
I have heard of "False Selfs"... rabbits with so much of the blanket color that it does hide the broken pattern.... Also of white rabbits that mask the broken pattern.
Long ago i really wanted to breed a charlie marked rabbit to a self/white... just to see if the broken pattern would come out in the next generation.... never have the cage space to follow thru with the idea..... :^(
modified steel=false self?

From my understanding...steel is dominent to selfs, but then there's the modified steel that shows and looks self but is really steel.

Blanket pattern would come through because agouti is dominant to selfs, and even steels so if it was a false self it would still be broken but may be ticked

am i right in this? someone feel free to correct me!
Random Rabbit":2xj2ow28 said:
I have heard of "False Selfs"... rabbits with so much of the blanket color that it does hide the broken pattern.... Also of white rabbits that mask the broken pattern.
Long ago i really wanted to breed a charlie marked rabbit to a self/white... just to see if the broken pattern would come out in the next generation.... never have the cage space to follow thru with the idea..... :^(

My broken chocolate LH doe has a hidden butterfly. Always thought she had a slightly dirty nose. Will be interesting to see if any of her kits show that butterfly.

The same litter of buns has one with a little white snowflake on its nose. It was the first sign of white in at least 4 litters.

Am intrested to see how the inside of its hide looks now.
I have gotten this on solid colored rabbits b4, mostly with fryers, Its like the darker spots are where the "adult fur" is starting to grow thicker, it makes the hide appear black and the other areas are still light colored, the dark areas are the underside of the hair folicle or the root of the hair. At least they were on my pelts. Maybe that your case?

Ans as for showing , a solid is a solid and a broken is a broken I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have a "solid broken "class.
broken coming in solid colors...

I give up, im done. My head just exploded! Genetics is complicated as it is!
BlueLove16":wdzzbim4 said:
modified steel=false self?

From my understanding...steel is dominent to selfs, but then there's the modified steel that shows and looks self but is really steel.

Blanket pattern would come through because agouti is dominant to selfs, and even steels so if it was a false self it would still be broken but may be ticked

am i right in this? someone feel free to correct me!

Steels are agouti genetically.

It is possible that the rabbit is booted, and the blanket so heavy it appears to be a self, or even appears to be a regular agouti, since agoutis have cream colored bellies anyway.
Rustina":1y26wrsq said:
Its like the darker spots are where the "adult fur" is starting to grow thicker, it makes the hide appear black and the other areas are still light colored, the dark areas are the underside of the hair folicle or the root of the hair.


Check the skin on the fur side. When you have a broken, the white part will have pink skin, and the dark parts will have dark skin.
MamaSheepdog":hbtm0bls said:
Rustina":hbtm0bls said:
Its like the darker spots are where the "adult fur" is starting to grow thicker, it makes the hide appear black and the other areas are still light colored, the dark areas are the underside of the hair folicle or the root of the hair.


Check the skin on the fur side. When you have a broken, the white part will have pink skin, and the dark parts will have dark skin.

I will do that when I staple it to a board tomorrow to dry it in the sun. I am gong to try felt making so once the hide is dry I am going to shave the hair off so should be able to see the top side just fine.

__________ Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:13 pm __________

I do have pictures but they are locked in the camera right now so will post them later.

With the fur off - who knew that a hide left in the fridge for 2 weeks would still smell sweet but the fur would slide right off :shock: - the hide was blue and pinkish white!

If the white had shown in the fur it would have been a VERY pretty broken.

WHY didnt the white show???<br /><br />__________ Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:23 pm __________<br /><br />

Here you go! Most of hte hair came off so you can see the white and black hide clearly.

Yet the rabbit was a solid color.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that the skin color is different depending on the stage of growth of the fur- it has to do with the pelt not being fully "prime".

If I ever find the reference, I will let you know. :?
Ski pigment and hair pigment don't really have anything to do with each other, I see dogs with spots and patches on their skin that are covered by a single colour of coat all the time.
I agree with MSD, with bunnies, the "dark " parks of that hid is skin that has not "thickened" yet. The "white" parts are the adult , evenly thickened hide, color of the hair does not reflect the thickness of the "prime" hide.