I keep reading about people needing to be very careful about switching their food around. I was just curious if it's really as bit a problem as everyone seems to think it is? I know with my guys, I've done both the slow introduction and the 'fast' (over a couple of days) intro to new foods and even done the whole just toss it in the cage and see what happens thing. So far, I haven't had any issues. I did lose two kits to enteritis... one around 8 weeks old and the other was the runt. Even then, the 8 week old passed when there had been no new food added. Other than that, I haven't had any issues. Everyone just goes to town on whatever is put in there.
So, I guess I'm just wondering if I'm lucky and have rabbits with guts of steel. I've also wondered about this in regards to domesticated vs. wild buns. Wild buns eat what they can get, when they can get it, and I would assume that they don't slowly introduce themselves to new foods. They find something they like, they eat it. You know? Is this sensitivity something that we've caused as we've domesticated them?