Cali Temperaments... Bunnies Gone Wild?!

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Zass":2qpz8lbw said:
I've also discovered that people who have never had that kind of crazy in their rabbitry have a hard time believing that a rabbit can just be that bad genetically.
It feels like having a caged wild rabbit.
Being fairly new to raising rabbits I personally never experienced behavior like that. My cali doe,( Lil Big Mama) is such a sweetheart. She will sit there and let you scratch her and pet her all day long. She's very mellow At 9 months old. At first she was a little skidish but over the course of time I guess she realized I was the bearer of food, water and the occasional treat. The one thing I did take notice of is everytime my wife or I would check on her kits for any reason, she would stare you down and make little growl noises! Im not sure if that was aggression, concern or what. This was her first litter. After putting the nestbox back in the corner she would immediately jump in, probably to make sure all her kits are accounted for and safe. She is indeed a very good mama. My cali buck I got the other day is 10 weeks old. He seems to be adjusting good But He doesn't like to be held AT ALL! He scratched my wife all up and down her arms and chest. (she thinks she's the rabbit whisperer or something) He doesn't even really tolerate being pet, maybe for a few seconds then darts off to the back of his cage. so I have a little work to do with him, I just don't need what Miss M said.
Miss M":2qpz8lbw said:
knife-wielding maniac Calis.
Not sure why some rabbits do stupid things, well that is what I call it.

My Californians are real sweet animals. I have 6 does, with 4 currently with litters. And 2 bucks. No problems with this line.
I only have 1 timid doe and she will sit in the back corner and basically leave me alone. So I do. She had 8 her first litter
and did everything right. That litter is 3 weeks old right now. My bucks I call Smooze and Big Guy. Both right to the door
and wanting to be petted. Buttering the human up, in high hopes of getting some bunny romance is what I call it.

I do have a mother and daughter currently with pet litters. They look like Cinnamons but are the size of Dutch. Not sure
what breed they are. I sold the buck to match them, so I been using a mini rex on them, and one of the current litters
has a lion head dad. Well both of these does are excellent moms, and have good litter size and bring them through.
BUT both have a attitude. They like to growl like and swat me with their paws. Neither one bites or scratches. Just
give me the warning not to invade their space. I won't be raising any more daughters out of either of them. The babies
are fine so far. I will probably find new homes for these does at some point. Neither one will be pet quality. They both
need a attitude adjustment daily.

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