I know what those high end foods were-- and they didn't get recalled until the second round. THAT is why I get stuff from the USDA/FSIS in my mailbox every day-- and those e-mails just make me want to get out of eating ANY commercially processed food for good.If I had not cremated Breezy, I would havehad legal recourse. AS it was, When I found out the new list, I got Connor to our vet,-no appointment, just walked right in- and he was started on a detox series. A week later I noticed Connor's topline was changing--he had been affected and I couldn't see it because of my distress. see, when Breezy died, and I was told what I had fed her to help her until I could get her to the vet for another reason(the recall was not known to us in the boonies at that point)I fed the remainder to Connor. His body had been telling me for over a week that he was poisoned, as well...Every day I wonder of the bag of dog food that is almost empty, or the bag of pellets , will have some sort of recall or advisory attached to the lot number.
Now, I am having a rather severe PTSD issue---I do not like remembering December 6, 2006