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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
South Mississippi
How much calcium is to much calcium? Will they just eliminate the excess or should I be really concerned. How much should a preg doe have vrs a buck?
Its Carrot harvest time and we have had a lot of tops to feed to the rabbits. I have 3 (fingers crossed) preg does and Cujo the buck. They all love carrot tops and Kale but they are both suppose to be calcium rich so I am concerned about how much to give them. So far, they might get 5-6 carrot tops a piece 3x's a wk.
Rabbits excrete excess calcium, which is why sometimes their pee is chalky or red, so no worries regarding calcium. Are they used to getting greens? That would concern me more than the calcium levels.
Wow! That's a lot of carrot tops. Do they have much of the carrot, or is it just the greens? Carrots are high in sugar, so I would be more concerned about sugar content than calcium content if your carrot tops include pieces of the carrot.

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