Cage row is done! Plus a new pair!

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Mar 5, 2011
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Pics tomorrow!

Of course, let me know what you guys think! I will be using tarps until I can get Carpet Runner for the back, top and front to protect them from winter. It looks great so far, at least in mild weather, I can see back into the sheep and horse area. I'd like to keep it all small scale, I don't want to keep making things and building. Whatever does not sell, for w/e purpose, will be used as food. Pet food or human food, I do not want to rely on the market, it's very unpredictable and depressing as is.

I finished, for the most part, the cage! It is 20ft long, 2ft deep and about 18in tall with a downward slope on the top halfway back. The cages open from the top as well. Each hole is 4x2ft, door is 2ft x 10in.
The cage is up on the T-Posts, need to secure the cage to the posts better[upwind possibilities]. Right now it is tied to the trees just in-case the wind tries to knock it over.

I'm also getting a Californian pair! Tomorrow at 12 I will be bringing them home! I still need to move the wooden hutch out into the yard where the bucks will live. Then the ladies will live in the 5 hole cage. I will have 2 holes free for kits or keepers or adding does. Bun-buns is still tiny, I do not know if she is a she or he still. 'She' will stay in the wooden 2x8ft hutch until I find out if she is a she or he. If she turns out to be a boy, she will stay in the hutch. If she is a female, then into the row cage she will go. Probably won't breed her, may eventually, but she will live next to the other does instead of alone away from other rabbits. I will have the hutch for sale if she is a doe.

New Cali pair is Królik the Doe and Snieg the buck. Rabbit & Snow in Polish, btw.

I need to find those metal or plastic door covers, does any store sell it or do I need to get them online? Could I make them myself? I do not need them, but it would be nice to have metal ones on the doors for strength and on the hole just to limit scratches.

The way I have it set up, it will be easy to catch young and the buck. Only 1ft on each side and about 16in back, so all in easy reach. I really like the way I did it. I have 3 rolls to dry[it rained!!!] and then return. I think about $30 I will get back. =p

I guess it would be cool if I had an Am Chin buck, too. Then I would have 3 separate breeds. Then again I could add a Holland Lop as well for my Bun-buns, but w/e, that is later on. We are waiting on the doe to see if she took and will care for the young. If not, she will be sold as a pet or eaten. The breeder I got them from will have a new line in the Spring and I will be getting another doe from her then.
Excellent C&B! Feels great to get a project done, doesn't it? Can't wait to see the pics of cage row and your NZ's.

We've been cooking all day, and are about to eat in a few minutes. I peeled my butternut squash before cooking it, so the buns got to try something new today. All of our critters love Thanksgiving and Christmas because they get extra nummies! Hope you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

Gobble, gobble!
Looks nice- however, I would recommend pounding your t-posts in further- those flanges are supposed to be under the soil surface. It might blow over, especially once you have the carpet runners in place which will catch the wind.
It's not in the ground at all yet. I have rope holding the cage up in the trees just in-case the wind tries to blow it over.
Oh! Well, that's good to know!

Ahem! Me- me- mee-ee!

Rock a bye bunnies, in the tree tops-
When the wind blows, the cages will rock.
When the bough breaks, the cages will fall
and down will come bunnies, carrots and all!
It's not gonna come down. =p
Putting in the posts will have to be done carefully and slowly. All the posts are attached to the cage.
Rock-a-bye-baby is a rather macabre lullaby... good thing infants don't have good comprehension skills at that age, or they'd never sleep!

I'd be afraid I'd ruin the cages by trying to do the whole row at once... can you undo a post, pound it in, re-attach, and move on to the next post? How in the world did you pick up a 24' long cage, anyway???

Will you show us more pics? I'd like to see an end view showing the angle on the cages, and how the doors work... you said the cages "open from the top as well"- do you have 2 doors then, or just one on top? It's hard to see any details from this distance.

I think I saw cages with the angled top somewhere here in RT, but I think they were in a building. What is the benefit of angling the cage tops anyway? Is it so you have a slope for the rain to flow down once you have them covered? That obviously wouldn't apply to those other cages I saw...

Btw, your property is very pretty! I wish we had such gently sloping land on our parcel.
Haha, oh, it doesn't gently slope. We have 4.89 acres and I'd say a good half is a mountain. You could say a large hill where the house is and the rest is 1/3 of a mountain. Drops down to a flat area that wraps around it. Right where you see the top edge of the highest wood board on the fence, the ground back there drops off. =0

Its for rain and light snow.
Its 20ft long, decided not to add the last hole [4ft]. Saved me 2 wall rolls and one floor roll w/the roof slope.
I put one end on a 2ft cart and then just jerked it up real quick and slid down to the far end and did the same.

Each hole is 2x4 and 18in tall at the front, 12in tall at the back. Doors are front centered and 2ft wide. Easy to reach under the 1ft of wire around the door.

I'll get better pics tomorrow.

__________ Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:58 pm __________

Snieg, buck.

Królik, doe.
Well, it looks pretty flat to me! We live on top of a hill, actually sliced the top off to build our house, the rest is pretty steep.

Can't wait to see the other pics! I hope you like your NZ's. :)
MamaSheepdog":xy56g7ws said:
Well, it looks pretty flat to me! We live on top of a hill, actually sliced the top off to build our house, the rest is pretty steep.

Can't wait to see the other pics! I hope you like your NZ's. :)

They are actually Californians, I got it wrong, sorry!<br /><br />__________ Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:27 am __________<br /><br />Made and added hay holders, need to make 2 more. But for now they can share through the wire. I have all the food, water and hay on the shared wall so it's in one place and I can cover just the food section in summer. Put hay, pellets and cubes into a 32gal trash can so it's all right there and not way at the house. I'm still working on getting the doors better latches. I'd love to use the tiny 1in clips, but they are $2-2.50 each! I'd need 3 per door until I can get the frames and then only need two.
Pics in a few, taking a break before I finish things and start working on the cat hutch.
2 foot wide doors!!! That's good thinking, I just had to make all of my doors bigger the other day because the ones I originally made were too small! The cages look great!
MamaSheepdog":2u082mc1 said:
Rock-a-bye-baby is a rather macabre lullaby... good thing infants don't have good comprehension skills at that age, or they'd never sleep!

Yeah - My family and I were just discussing childhood songs/poems like Ring around the Rosie and Humpty Dumpty today on our way back from getting our Christmas tree. My oldest daughter started the conversation by singing the French song, Alujeta about a bird that gets plucked. They have been singing it in French class but then we went on from there to English songs - must have been the time, doesn't seem to matter what country.

Chickensnbunnies - Great job! I was just going to try to get a space in my garage set up for new mommies to stay during the winter but still haven't accomplished that!
TariLynn, how about:

Little bunny Foo-foo hopping through the forest,
picking up the field mice and bopping them on the head...

Ring around the Rosie is based on the black plague, but I don't know where Humpty Dumpty comes from. No idea what little bunny Foo-foo had against the field mice either for that matter!
MammaSheepdog - yeah, and then there are the fairy tales! The real ones, not the Disney version! Poor kids! Have you ever read the real version of Cinderella? It's kinda gruesome~the stepsisters actually cut off their toe and heal to try to fit the shoe on!

Chickiesnbunnies - Did you say Cat Hutch? Pretty rabbits!
Yea, I turned the SF old 3x6ft wooden hutch into where the cats spend their days. Hoping to make it a full time thing, but fiance is worried they will freeze, while I am worried about summer heat killing them...
Here is a pic I took after the rabbit pics...And then one of the birds sleeping, just b/c why


__________ Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:28 pm __________

I'm going to move the 2x8ft hutch back in row w/the other rabbits today. Won't move Bun-buns out and the bucks in until Buns is acting healthy for more than a week. Don't want to stress her too much.
I will be closing the front doors, since it will be turned around so the tall back will now be the front. Need to make door frames and attach them. Lastly, I will add a dividing wall.
[[[the original 3x6ft hutch was too wide and too heavy to move out of the dog yard. That's why it's now the cat!]]]
Will get pics when it's moved.








__________ Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:35 pm __________

Carpet runner is on! Only had 36in widths.

__________ Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:30 am __________

It's pouring today, made it just in time! Though, I didn't move the food bowls. Gonna do that after work.<br /><br />__________ Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:33 pm __________<br /><br />Two pics from today of the doe row and buck hutch.
Also 2 pics of both of my 40 breeder tanks, cus they Got 2 other tanks, no pics. Maybe tomorrow. =p
I haven't switched the rabbits yet, I want to add the wood and make doors before I do that.



Lookin' good.

Nice Gouramis! I can't believe all those plants- I used to have cichlids, and they would have mowed that all down!
Haha, thanks.

I have Mbuna cichlids in my metaframe 75g. I will get a pic tomorrow. Cleaned the glass today, lol, they love their algae. Also have a 20 long w/cherry red shrimp.

They got all new water pans and new feeders. I painted the water pans red, then a top coat of silver so they last longer. Also spray painted the feeders silver. Got a new nest box, painted that silver, added cardboard and shavings. Gotta clean and repaint the 1st nest box and buy a new 3rd box. But my Am Chin doe is so big! The stores boxes don't seem to be big enough. May just use the crate I turned into a nest box instead.

The big Gourami is 1.5-2yrs old. Little one is his new gf, she is still young. There's a rainbow shark in there that is also 1.5-2yrs old.
I have a black ghost knife in my other 40, high tech planted tank[the one w/the pot].<br /><br />__________ Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:08 pm __________<br /><br />












