Bunny Got Head Stepped on! Help

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Active member
Aug 21, 2013
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Las Vegas
Hi Everyone this is my first Post! :?

Okay so my 5 month old male bunny got his head stepped on! :cry: This is what happened... my bunnies get let out of their hutch at night to play in are backyard eat grass, dig holes, what ever they wan't to do! :pancake: They are very loving and my baby boy always greets us when we walk outside! He runs right up to us to get treats and love. Well when we walk out of the sliding door it is a small step down... he ended up running right under my husbands foot! :eek:

This is how he is doing! He is acting like his normal self! Maybe a little tired but really nothing out of the normal.

The accident happened last night he was in shock for about 15 mins so we moved him inside to keep eyes on him. He started to do his normal bunny stuff soon after we brought his girlfriend in with him. Checked his mouth area no open wounds and looked at his teeth that were all still intact he had a very small cut on his lower gum nothing of worry. We watched him on and off all night and gave him carrots and lettuce to see if he could eat... he tried and was able to pick up food in his mouth just was unable to chew it, than we switched to organic tomato sauce that he devoured without a problem. He is unable to eat anything hard or that needs lots of chew motion...so this morning I made him apple sauce that he ate a bit of and broccoli mush that he tasted.
He looks to have some swelling now on one side and I think he has a fracture! :cry: I have read they can make full recovery from such things just takes a bit for it to heal!? :?: He is sooo strong and acts like nothing happened... later today I will be taking him to my bunny specialist to do an x-ray! I wan't to give him the day to see if he continues to eat his mush and drink water...
Have you had a bunny go through this before or know of one that has? If so what happened and what steps did you take?
Awww poor little thing! I'm so sorry this has happened, bless your heart! I've never seen this myself, I hope he does well. It seems like he should with the care your giving him. Hope things go well at the vet and you get good news!
Oh, wow! Poor bun! Your husband must feel awful, even though it was not his fault in any way. :( Poor guy.

I had a rabbit break her leg when she jumped out of her cage, and she healed up fine on her own. I raise rabbits as livestock, not as pets, so a vet visit was not an option.

Hopefully your rabbit just has a fractured molar. I can't imagine how expensive it would be to wire his jaw. :eek:

If the fracture is not too severe (bone still aligned), he may be able to make it through with soft foods without surgery.

The foods you are giving him are very high in sugar. Try giving him some old fashioned oatmeal. He may be able to eat it dry, but if not, you can moisten it.

If he is going to have to eat this way long term, you should probably see if he will eat pellets if they are softened. You may have to feed it by syringe, so ask for a large one when you visit your vet- 50ml would work well.

Meanwhile, if you have a willow tree, the bark is a natural source of salicylic acid which is a pain reliever. You could steep some bark in just-boiled water and use that to moisten his food.

Another thing you should do is give him electrolytes. No doubt he is stressed (even though he is acting otherwise), so that will give him a little extra support. You can easily make your own at home.


If the vet puts him on antibiotics, make sure to give him probiotics, because his gut flora will be destroyed. I use Bene-Bac by Manna Pro. It is marketed for livestock and can be found at a feed store.

I sure hope he will be okay. :clover:

Please keep us updated.

:welcome: to RabbitTalk! I am sorry it is a sad circumstance that brought you here, but I hope you will stay with us! May you have many happy posts to share with us in the future. :)
Thank you,

For the support and good thoughts! :) I will get right on finding some willow bark and making oatmeal! Thankfully I already have electrolytes and probiotics.

He seems confused :shock: as to why he can't eat the same food as his girlfriend the pellets, hay, & vegetables.

Sooo since iv seen him eat the mush I hope he simple gets hungry enough to start eating it all instead of trying his luck on the things he can't.

Thanks again!!
Accidents happen, try not to feel bad about it :)

Rabbits have a really great healing capacity. Had a doe break her front leg and it healed up on its own in a matter of weeks, she was also bit pretty bad by a rat but since she acted fine - just hopping on three legs - and didn't show any signs of stress, I let her be. I also raise for meat and no antibiotics in sweden, so it's either letting it be/doing what I can at home or putting the rabbit down.

You're getting good advice, just wanted to wish you luck :)
Great advice from MamaSheepdog. :goodjob:

I really have nothing to add to it except to say that it is not necessary to cook the oatmeal... just moisten it with water or willow water.

Glad to have you with us, icebunny. and hope you bunny heals up well. :hi:

Okay so he has been drinking small amounts of electrolyte water and eating small amounts of apple sauce and the oatmeal with willow water.

I think he is expecting his normal food and is waiting for it :applearm: ... I'm having both my bunnies eat the same thing right now to help encourage the eating of the different foods. They both are tasting it but not really eating eating so I hope once they get hungry enough they will eat the oatmeal completely...

I'm going to wait on the vet another day or two to see if he starts eating more on his own. He doesn't have much of any swelling it is hardly noticeable. He is still acting normal.

Rather save my :money: if he doesn't seem to be in danger... Wish him luck and hope he starts eating more regularly!

Thank you everyone!

Special thanks to mamasheepdog!
Good luck! Could/would he eat grated carrot with his oatmeal? :clover: :)
I'm glad he is doing better! Eating is a good sign. :)

I would offer him his normal food also. He will eat it if he is able.

Give him a willow branch to chew as well, so he can self medicate. If you have any chewable vitamin C and/or Echinacea tablets, you can offer him those as well.

And-er-ahem! It would be nice to see pictures of the patient and his friend. :camera:

Hint, hint. ;)
oh poor bunny, sounds like hes gonna be just fine with the care you are giving him <3
Here are the pics of the buns!

Frank is the boy who got hurt he is 5 months and a red eye white with a blue underlay so in the sun he has pink eyes in the shade they look blue!

BunBun is the girlfriend she is 3 years and a blue eye white... she is playing mom right now till they are able to breed!


:thankyou:<br /><br />__________ Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:39 pm __________<br /><br />


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Oooh! Patriotic bunnehs! They are red, white, and blue! :clap2:

icebunny":11b1ulct said:
Frank is the boy who got hurt he is 5 months
icebunny":11b1ulct said:
BunBun is the girlfriend she is 3 years and a blue eye white... she is playing mom right now till they are able to breed!

Frank is probably more than capable of breeding by now. You might want to palpate BunBun, or at the least start watching for nesting behavior. She may have too much internal fat to get prego, but she looks pretty lean and in good condition to me. :)
Hahah :p Well I just might have a pregnant BunBun we just palpated her and her belly seems different much bigger than normal and hard? :?:

She has been digging deep burros lately that she has not done before! :!:

Well maybe we have some GOOD NEWS On Its Way!!! :mbounce:

It's just that I have never seen Frank hump BunBun but I have seen her dominate him when she gets exited about treats!

Could this be a False Pregnancy?

I guess Frank will be staying indoors till he is better and I will set BunBun up with her mothering hutch! :)<br /><br />__________ Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:34 am __________<br /><br />


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Cant see pics on my phone at the moment. .. but... could you try soaking his regular food for him? Maybe he would eat that?
Mommasheep dog said it all.
Just wanted to add, make sure
When you are feedingettuce it's not
Ice burg as it doesn't have the nutrients
In it the buns need. Fresh spring greens are
The best. Make sure when you get it at
The store it does not have spinach in the mix.

Like mommasheepdog said alot of what
Your bun was/ is getting is high in sugar which
Isn't the best for buns. It also can cause GI stasis
In buns which is a tummy issue.
The oatmeal idea is good along with his
Other things that you have been feeding then
That way if he can eat a carrot then it's there for him.

Also, when tryin new things you want to do it
Slow again to avoid GI stasis.
They have pellets now and also a bowl of wet pellets along with carrot sauce and oatmeal with willow water.

I only feed dark greens.

They are doing good Frank is still acting normal and eating bit by bit. :)

Thank you everyone for the advice!<br /><br />__________ Sat Aug 24, 2013 3:04 pm __________<br /><br />***Update***

Frank the baby boy who got hurt is doing good eating soft foods with no problems!

We hope in a week or so he will be eating his normal food again!

BunBun the girlfriend is not pregnant she is just acting motherly.

Everyone have a great weekend!
Thanks for the update, Icebunny!

It sounds like Frank has dodged any lingering effects from his misstep- er! MISHAP!- and will be just fine. :bouncy: