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Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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Well, my two sets of popples are doing well. It's crazy, Licorice has 6 enormous fat babies and 2 runts that are nearly half the size. And Ginger's 8 are about the same size but smaller than Licorice's big fatties. I don't know what that means but I'm happy they are all thriving. So glad I didn't have to dispatch any runts.

Yesterday, my 3 1/2 year old and I were loving some popples and she says to me, "When the bunnies are food, I think I'll eat them. Can I have ketchup on them?" LOL! We hadn't told her about raising them for food yet, but I guess she figured it out.

I'm really loving these rabbits. Everyday I fall more and more in love with them and the whole process. Well, not the slaughter, but that's hubbies job anyways. I love that we are raising our own food. Healthy family!
That is awesome! I love it when kids are so supportive! My 6 year old (7 on the 24th yikes!) is all for eating rabbits. I thought he wouldn't be but he babies the breeders and told me "Mom you better not ever eat my parent rabbits, you can help them if they get sick or too hurt and we can eat lots of babies but you leave my bunnies alone." And my 2 year old is following close in his foot steps. He has claimed our FW buck as "his" bunny and asks me all the time why the does don't have babies he can eat :lol: He keeps asking if bunny tastes better with peanut butter or hot dogs and string cheese :p

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