Buck with Enlarged Bump Lower Lip

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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2012
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I'll preface this by saying that this bump is a result of some kind of scratch/knick that got infected. Rabbit has been fine - healthy, eating his food, behaving normally, active, etc.

A couple of weeks ago I noticed looking up at him that his lower lip had a bald patch (right where this bump has popped up up). I think either his nails were long and he itched himself a scratch that either got infected OR he could have rubbed it on the feeder (felt it this AM, and it is sharp -- dangit). It had previously just been bald with a slight scab (nothing worrisome). Either way, there was some kind of opening from something sharp that started this.

Well I noticed last night that the bald spot should have had fur by now and instead now I see a lump like this. Presumably it's filled with fluids.

How would you deal with this? I was thinking to probably lance it, drain, and apply Blue-Kote.


(chin is wet due to a deep water dish he drinks from)
Hmm... I know that they have scent glands on their chins, but don't know if that is the exact location... you should look at his teeth also. Not that it makes a difference, treatment wise, I suppose.

I would lance and drain it, as you plan to.

If you have any Pen-G you can squirt about 1/10th of a cc into the wound. A friend of mine had two does with nasty mastitis abscesses and we did that (they also got injections since it was so severe) and they healed up so well you can't even tell they ever had anything wrong with them. In addition to that I would pack the wound with Nu-Stock so it will heal from the inside out.

Do NOT use an antibiotic ointment like Neosporin since that will cause the wound to close over. You want it open so the pus can drain or be expressed if it recurs.
Thanks! I have Pen-G on hand. Where can you find Nu-Stock? I haven't heard of it before. His teeth appear okay. <br /><br /> -- Fri Oct 10, 2014 12:15 pm -- <br /><br /> HMM...went to lance it...it's a hard thick lump. I tried several times and nothing would run out of it except a little blood. I stopped because it was getting irritated.
I wonder if it is an impacted scent gland, after all?

Try applying heat compresses- maybe that will bring it to a head. I would just monitor it and hope that it opens so that you can then express whatever is in there. As long as he is eating and drinking I wouldn't worry too much.

Nu-Stock is available at Feed Stores. It is just pine oil and sulfur. Antibacterial and anti fungal, so is great to have on hand.
I'm wondering if it's the scent gland now, too!

Thank you for your help. I will look into acquiring the Nu-Stock!