My male started out with a wet chin and side cheeks, normally it was sorta green, I assumed from the dandelion, plantain, and clover I have been giving him. Over the past couple of weeks it has gotten worse. He eats very little fresh greens as mentioned and no hay at all. The wife says he never ate hay, I honestly can't remember either way, and eats very little fresh greens, but eats his pellets. If you watch him eat he is slobbering a lot while chewing, and from time to time he is rubbing his mouth with his front paws which are now a mess. He is wet and dirty all over his front paws and lower jaw most of the time and the hair on his lower jaw is starting to wear away.
We have attempted to look in his mouth, but can't get past the front ?incisors?, I can't see to his back teeth at all without a huge amount of forced, stressful, restraining. What do you do with a bunny and a sore mouth? Freezer?
We have attempted to look in his mouth, but can't get past the front ?incisors?, I can't see to his back teeth at all without a huge amount of forced, stressful, restraining. What do you do with a bunny and a sore mouth? Freezer?