Buck behavior normal?

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2015
Reaction score
South TX
Anyone following my situation I have going on knows that I have two bucks, one proven and almost 5 yrs old and one not proven and under a year (7 or 8 months I suspect). I have been reading and taking advice that the younger bucks sometimes aren't as affected by heat sterility, and have kept my older buck but started putting a couple of my does with the new, younger one to see what he will do. Well he's very interested in breeding, and I believe he's hit the Mark about 6 times now with 2 different gals. But his behavior is so strange to me, lol, I am wondering it's normal......I will say it's super cute. He loves to groom his ladies, like constantly! Pulling their hair, licking them any given place, and sometimes being borderline rough and pulling fat too. I watch them closely but is this normal? I have seen him fall off several times but they always have wet spots towards their tails, on their backs, and in the general vent area. Is it possible he's missing and still falling off? I can't tell if he's licked them and the wet spots are saliva or the baby juice, lol.....my other buck was less personal and didn't offer the hygiene services this guy does, so I have never had to wonder with him and he's our first so my only experience. Kind of enjoying the different personalities!
That's a good idea:). This post was from almost a month ago so I should know for sure really soon!

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