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Sep 29, 2015
Reaction score
Hi all,

I have one doe and one buck living together for quite a while. Wanting to breed them, but the doe seems to be rejecting the buck from mating. They are together for 24/7. Anyone knows where's the problem? Should I separate the doe and buck for sometime and then put the buck into the doe cage? Would that help?
If they are living together maybe the doe is already pregnant?
My pregnant does have no interest in breeding
I hope you have a separate cage for your buck for after your doe kindles...not very likely that she'll be willing to share
Palpated the doe stomach area. But do not have any marble size object. Will remove the buck if I find any signs of pregnancy.
Previous owner put them together in a cage for quite sometime, not sure exact duration but now I put them together in a playpen for 2months.
She might have put him in the "friend zone". Separate them and reintroduce in a week or so. Watch for dominant behavior from the doe. If she beats up on the boy then he'll be shy around her. He might groom her and lower his head to her. Even going as far as to stick his head under her head or belly.

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