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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2013
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Hi, I was not sure what section to put this topic in but since I have meat rabbits and am breeding for meat so I hope it fits in here. I have a trio of Florida Whites that are 2 years old. I bought these rabbits last week and let them get settled in for a week and I decided to breed one of the does to the buck today. I put the doe in the bucks cage and he immediately bred her then proceeded to breed her about 10-15 more times until he was pretty exhausted this occurred in 5-10 minutes. My question is it normal for rabbits to breed this many times? I am also wondering if I should put the doe back in the buck cage and let them do it again in a couple hours or should I let them both rest and hope for the best?
I don't think you are seeing him breed, you're probably just seeing the mounting and motions but not the actual breeding/finishing. Did he squeal/grunt and fall off? Did you flip the doe to see if he hit the right spot? Did the doe lift?
He was "grunting" but he never fell off all stiff like. I am not sure if he hit the right spot that is what I was kinda worried about how do I flip the doe and find out? Its been less than a hour is it still to late to flip the doe and check? I am also not 100% sure if she lifted or not this is the first time ive bred rabbits in 10+ years.<br /><br />__________ Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:31 pm __________<br /><br />After thinking about it for awhile I come to the conclusion that the doe probably was not bred so I reintroduced her to the buck cage. upon reintroduction the buck mounted the the doe then remounted and quickly bred her then fell off in a stiff pose. After falling off he pretty much lost interest in the doe so I am assuming she was bred this time. I think it was the right thing to do to remove the doe from the cage the first time because the buck was becoming very aggressive towards her. Now that I am fairly certain she is bred should I reintroduce her in a couple hours or hope this mating was completely successful? O I almost forgot I also flipped the doe after the mating and her area was slightly wet I am assuming this is what your looking for? My barn is pretty dimly lite but it also seemed like the doe was "opened up" a small amount but I am not 100% sure of that.
Thanks for the help.
Welcome! Sounds like the second attempt was a success.

I've got a pair of Florida Whites that I've had since early summer. My second litter is about 5 weeks old. My doe had 11 kits with this litter! I waited until the first litter was 4 months old before processing them, so they would gain a little more weight. You will need to separate the males and females if you wait that long as they will be sexual mature by then.
Sometimes, if a buck seems uninterested after one breeding attempt, just removing the doe for a few minutes and then putting her back will do the trick.
Thanks everybody I believe both of my does are bred now, I am very excited for fresh rabbit again and not these nasty cottontails! (they are ok but not like young fresh healthy alfalfa fed buns)