Breeding trouble

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Well-known member
May 18, 2011
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I know with does its usually 3 tries at breeding and your out, but what about the boys?

I have tried to breed my NZR buck 2 times, 2 different does and so far I have no kits to show for it. The buck was born 11/23/12 so almost 1, never bred before. The 2 does are proven born on 10/4/09 and 4/16/10, so a little older, but have not had any problems with them getting pregnant before. Red is the only buck I have at this time to breed with the NZW, I do have lionhead and Holland bucks, but not what I want to use on these girls. :lol:

I have tried the last couple of days to put the girls in with him, but nothing! The 1 doe is lifting for him, and he will mount her a couple of times and give a lazy attempt at breeding, then he will just lay on her. :shock: Its getting late in the year! If I don't get them bred soon, I will have to wait until April of next year, when we have to start breeding for the fairs meat pen.

I have another doe but she is only 4 months old, and not looking very promising. (Shes the one that didn't eat for almost a week when I got her) She is kind of small for a 4 month old, and she occasionally gets bloated.

I am not having any problems breeding the HL's or the lionheads, but they are just for pets, I really need some meat for the freezer! I am considering getting rid of all the NZ's and starting over again.
I had a doe that just wouldn't breed. I tried multiple bucks with this doe, and I just couldn't get her bred. She was proven, but it just wasn't working. Anyways, it eventually got to the point that all of my boys just gave up and needed a reboot. It was like the first few times they were all gung-ho, but the more unsuccessful attempts they had, the more jaded they became about the act until they finally just stopped trying.

Drove me nuts!

After just over a week, and a short break, I finally got her bred. I ended up putting the buck's cages between all the does during their break, so I think having them all around each other helped out, too. Seriously, though, they weren't getting their usual 'reward' for being with a doe and they just gave up.

Don't know if it applies at all to your situation, but figured I'd mention it!
That pretty much describes him, its like he has given up since he isn't getting anywhere with the girls. I think I will try again today with the more willing doe.

What gets me though is he has bred before but so far nothing to show. I really need to know if he is shooting blanks. The first breeding was in August so I chalked that up to heat, next time was September. So far no kits and the doe doesn't feel pregnant.
I tend to give young stock a little time. I've got two like that, my biiiiig SF who would rather cuddle and my Holland lop used to be like that. Make sure the doe is really ready (dark vent) and try stressing him out a bit by taking him for a car ride or a walk. My lop could not figure it until I moved him into the room next to my doe colony and introduced my hussy doe at the point of her cycle, now he is very game! I think it takes hitting the mark for a buck to realize mating is what he wants to do. Some bucks are just a little too mellow.

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