Breeding problems - doe won't accept buck

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skysthelimit":2kq60nlm said:
ZRabbits":2kq60nlm said:
If a rabbit is not use to it, you definitely have problems. I've learned that gradual changes are necessary for rabbits. And that I need to know what they are wean to. A baby can learn to eat anything. But you really need to know what their basis food structure was and gradually change to yours. It's one of the Number Rules I've learn to respect regarding Rabbits.


Sorry if I am not explaining this correctly. I've had these rabbits for many months now, so they are used to the feed. Two of the does are three years old, two are over a year and one is 8 mos. Before I got them, the older ones were fed pellets only, and had no problems breeding. When I got them, it was the dead of winter, and I had no problems getting them to breed, breed back fast and get large litters. I fed no greens in the dead of winter. Fresh greens played no role and I had fertility and willingness prior to feeding them.

Since then, I've been feeding some greens, as much as the land and time will allow. It's not possible to feed greens everyday, nor every other day. I know how to gradually introduce feed, and all they have been getting is here a little, and so forth because that is all I have here to give them. And they bred all the way up until August.
Fava may be taking a break, she's had three litters with me so far, but the others have had huge gaps between litters and the youngest two have only had one litter.

the weather has been cool for a month now.

I'm wondering, if feeding the greens IS the problem. Maybe I should leave the greens alone and go back to pellets only and hay, no greens. The greens may not be able to provide the nutrients needed for fast breed back.

Thanks Sky for the broader explanation. I think playing with greens might be the issue. My Flemish breeders sticks with pellets (Manna Pro) only. He knows his does and they produce some excellent stock. My Lion head breeder sticks with Manna Pro and hay, that's it and she knows what her does will produce. Healthy kits. Greens are nice for rabbits, but are not needed for healthy does and kits.

Heat does a number on rabbits. Truly tough on both does, males and babies. Thankfully its' finally cooling down for you and your rabbits. Hoping things turn around for you. Maybe it's just time to go back to basics?

ZRabbits":1j7r469q said:
Maybe it's just time to go back to basics?


That's what I'm thinking. Maybe the trying to go a bit natural thing is throwing them off. I'm thinking I'd better stick to just pellets and hay. I'm always trying new things to see what I can tweak, there are so many good ideas here.
There are plenty who feed greens with no issues, but by all means, if your bunnies have been having breeding problems since starting the greens, they could be at fault. Hopefully no greens and a little time will correct matters. Maybe feed them some probiotics a couple times to get things back in order. Lots of breeders feed nothing but pellets and hay. :)
I wonder if the calorie difference between the pellets and greens caused them to lose some body condition? Between the heat and the feed, there are several factors in play.

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