Ok that makes me feel a lot better. I was afraid something was really wrong with him!Great news that there is no crust or damage.
It sounds like you may be describing the scent glands on either side of the vent. They often have some amount of yellowish-to-dark reddish oil in them; an accumulation sometimes looks like little balls or seeds. It could be mistaken for poop or blood. I don't usually do anything about it - the amounts come and go but the rabbit seems to take care of it. If it bothers you or gets gross, you can gently clean them up with a Q-tip.
Here is where the ventral scent glands are (there is also a scent gland under the chin). This image is from wikivet.net with my mark-ups:
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The urethra is inside the rabbit; urine and semen both come out the same tube (the penis).
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I'm sorry I cannot credit the above diagram; it was on the internet without information about its origin.
I agree with you about the snuffles. It does often look like thick white stuff from his nose, but I haven't wiped it off to see. We decided not to do the vet because of cost. I will try the vetRX and see if that makes any difference.
I appreciate all the time you've spent helping me! This has been very frustrating and I'm thankful for a source to find help.