Breeding advice, anyone?

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Well-known member
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Oct 22, 2012
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Hoping to pick your brains on this one. We started with a trio of Silver Fox, and bred both does in late May. One died during kindling :( and the other had 3, one of which didn't make it. At present we have a SF buck, the SF doe Mama and 2 month old kits that I believe are both does. Mama has done a great job with the babies and they're growing like weeds...they were half a pound at 3 weeks.

In the meantime, we acquired a mutt doe thinking we could breed but...she's tiny...only about the size of a wild rabbit, while our buck is pushing 10 lbs.

I'd really like to breed again about mid August and would like to breed 2 does...just in case. So, here's my dilemma...should I try breeding the little one along with the SF doe? Or should I see if I can get an appropriately aged SF doe to replace the one that died and just breed the 2 SF does? Of course, another option is to keep one of the kits but she wouldn't be ready to breed till at least December.

At present, we're only feeding the two of us so a trio is about perfect if we breed 3 or 4 times a year.

Any thoughts? I'm really in a quandary. There's a county fair show coming up next Sunday where we might be able to get a SF doe, but I don't know if we could find one old enough to breed mid August.
SF are supposed to be rare (although more and more people, including me, have them...) so you might not be able to find another SF doe, at the right age, soon... I'd probably keep one of the daughters, and go ahead and breed the little doe if you want. You're breeding for meat, so you're not planning on keeping any of her litter, right?
Exactly! I just wouldn't want her to suffer if the kits are too big.

After lots of research, I decided on a Heritage breed, which I narrowed down to either SF or Americans. The fact that I could find SF locally is what tipped the scales for me. We got our trio at a local show in January...the buck from one breeder and the does, who were littermates, from another. I guess we could try the little doe for the next breeding. Don't actually plan to breed again after that till probably about February anyway so one of the current kits would be old enough by then.

What size litters are you getting from yours, WW? I was a bit disappointed at 3, but then it was a first litter, so I'm hopeful for more next time.
I have not bred mine yet. I only have 1 doe, and 1 just-now-mature buck. I bred the doe, but she didn't take (probably due to the heat). However, if I remember correctly, her parents have had litters of 6 or 7 I think...
I would try to find another doe. If your existing doe had such a small litter, the daughter may also have small litters. I wouldn't take a chance with a small doe bred to a large Buck.
I'm not sure how your weather has been but bucks go sterile, temporarily, when it is hot for weeks at a time. I know I wouldn't be able to breed in August, we've had too many 90-109F days, too many days in a row.

I wouldn't give up on yours yet. My mini rex doe had 5 kits, 1 stuck, 1 still born and 1 died the 2nd day so I had a whopping 2 kits. That was her first litter. Her second litter she had 10 kits, 8 surviving.

First litters do not always go great so give her another chance and see what happens. I would keep a kit. I have beverens and have lost 2 does. The rare breeds are sometimes difficult to find replacements for. I have been on the search for another beveren doe, a white, for the last 6 months or so.

You doe has done a good job nursing and mothering so I'd keep a daughter to breed just so I had another. I probably would not breed a really small doe to your buck. I'd consider selling or culling the mutt doe if you really want to stick to a trio.
I have to agree with Laura, I wouldn't take the chance breeding such a small doe to such a large buck. I have bred small does before, but they were only lacking a pound or two on the buck, I would think it's too risky otherwise.

I also am having some sterility to heat, so most of my breeding happens between September and April. The small litter could be due to that, or the fact that the doe was a first time mom. (My first time rex just had a litter of two, not sure if it was her or the buck either). I would hold off, try to breed the doe again and save one or both of the kits to breed to. Not only that way are you helping to preserve a rare breed, but you are also selecting for good mothering capabilities if she kindled easily and took good care of this litter. (Hoping that the numbers pick up next litter)
For a first litter I am more forgiving.

That being said, what is the history of litters from the does dam? Litter size is hereditary. My SF doe had 10 her first litter. No one usually has less than 8 kits, my first timers tend to have 10+ kits with not much change.
Yeah, what they said. I would not breed a small doe to a large buck. And, I have two wonderful SF does but both had troubles with their first litters. Never judge them on what happens the first time around.

Can you contact one of the breeders you got your first breeders from and see if they have any 6 month old does available? or, even an older doe that is still able to breed but that perhaps they are ready to move out...even if you only get one litter out of her, you can keep a doe from her...

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