Breed ID help, please. :)

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Well-known member
May 26, 2012
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A previous customer of ours sent my co owner this pic today. They found this rabbit running loose and caught it. They said it weighs 5 - 7 pounds but seems bony and malnourished. I'm not familiar with a lot of the larger breeds so I was wondering if anyone could tell us what breed it is? Or is it just a mix? Thanks!


  • Unknown buck.jpg
    Unknown buck.jpg
    26.9 KB · Views: 406
Coat looks Rex, maybe a Velveteen cross, it looks fairly plush and has the body shape and carriage of a velveteen. Certainly not the best markings for one, but then if it's a mutt pet, or a no pedigreed velveteen, than that's fine. If it is such, then they do tend to feel light for the size, as long as you can just barely feel it's ribs with gentle pressure, it's fine and, by that pickture, not too bad. Sure hungry and slightly down but, running wild will do that to any domestic rabbit. A week or so of proper feed should fix that.
The fur doesn't look Rex to me. It looks to be "just" a mix; with the size of those ears it may have some lop in its background, but velveteen lop is pretty unlikely, as that's a fairly rare breed, and the body and head type don't really indicate velveteen or English lop. It's cute, whatever it is! :)
I agree that be doesn't look to be rex but his coat is very thick. Since he's been out in the cold he may have grown a thicker winter coat that's giving the impression of rex.

As for breed he looks like a mix. Likely New Zealand and Mini Lop or Mini Rex

His pattern is very nice and maybe he's got some English Spot or Rhinelander but those tend to have a racier body type and this guy looks more commercial.
Thanks all! I kind of think he's a mix too. He's certainly a pretty rabbit either way.