BOSS price hike

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2011
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Buying feed for the buns at TSC recently, I was very excited to see that BOSS was marked at $27.99. WOOT! I normally pay $29.99 per 50lbs.

I considered buying a few... until I saw that it is now a 40lb bag. :angry: So what was about .60lb is now .70lb.

If prior experience proves true, shortly the price will jump back up to $29.99 for the smaller bag, which will bring the price up to .75lb.

Time to plant a patch of BOSS, I think. :hmm:
Wow! Here in Ohio my feed mill was charging $24.99 for 50#. It may have been a special though... I'll have to find out what they normally charge. I just recently added BOSS to my feed. The bunnies seem to love it! I figure between that and the oats the pellets go further.
I just paid $39.99 for a 50# bag. It's funny that you mentioned about growing your own BOSS MSD. When I was cleaning the rabbit poop trays on Sunday, I realized that one of the BOSS seeds that fell in the tray had sprouted and was growing nice and healthy in there without direct sunlight. Got me to thinking that I could do it myself. :hmm:
Can you use the BOSS that grows from the seeds?

I had to pay $15 for a 10# bag at Farm and Fleet. TSC doesn't even have it.

We were considering putting down a patch to use for animal feed as well as sunflower oil.
It's been averaging a $1 per lb in my area for the past year. I can sometimes get it sale for less but not much less.

Yes, you can use the seeds produced by the plants grown from BOSS as feed....seed, flower head, stalk, leaves...all of it. You will have to fight off the wild birds for the seeds but hey, everyone has to eat, right?
I know walmart also has a wild bird food section. Has anybody checked the price there? :)
I use BOSS only in the winter (or did--not sure they really need it here). I think I was paying about $15 for a 25# bag, but that was a couple of years ago. I still have a little bit left over that I might try planting.
I buy Boss at my local hardware store, I get a 10 pound bag for $6.99.
last years I picked all the boss seeds out of the wild bird seed I put out for the birdies.
I started them in the house, It looks like out of 50 seeds, I have 8 plants that are growing.
only time will tell if the heads will produce any seeds.
RJSchaefer":1vshul39 said:
Can you use the BOSS that grows from the seeds?

I had to pay $15 for a 10# bag at Farm and Fleet. TSC doesn't even have it.

We were considering putting down a patch to use for animal feed as well as sunflower oil.

Yes you can. I planted a patch around 6' x 6' about a month ago. I have been feeding 10-12 adult rabbits some just about everyday and haven't come close to using it all up. The plants now are 2-3 feet now. I give them everything above the root. When I planted them I just covered them with a little dirt and planted rather heavy. The bird ate a lot of the seed so maybe there is a way to cover them until they sprout. I will let some of the plants grow till they seed.
AmysMacdog":2et2fss2 said:
I know walmart also has a wild bird food section. Has anybody checked the price there? :)
Last time I got mine i bought it there...if I remember right it was 14 for a 25lb bag...but my memory is really iffy most of the time so ~shrug~ most of the other brands at that store cost more for less seed so not sure
I planted BOSS seed too, along with the Autumn Sunflower, Sunspot, and the Mammoth seed packet mixes from Guerneys.

The BOSS seeds grow the best here though. Although I do have a Mammoth or two out there so all wasn't lost.
TSC had 40# bags FINALLY. I got it for $16? I think?

We "planted" (scattered) in different areas. Hopefully some of it will take. *fingers crossed*
I buy BOSS at Family Farm & Home for $17.99 per 40# bag. It's usually about double that price anywhere else around here, but I haven't noticed any difference in quality.