Borage (Borago officinalis) , Roman Chamomile

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Desert Rose Rabbits

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2013
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Question for ya'll... Little Doe is still having eye issues and I was curious if a leaf or two per day from my Borage plant might help for inflamation with an eye rinse from my Roman Chamomile twice a day to act as a tonic. I'm trying to stick to treatments that are as holistic as possible as she'll go to freezer camp once her potential kits are old enough if this eye doesn't clear up.
I am not familiar with the anti-inflammatory properties of Borage, but it will increase her milk production. Chamomile tea makes an excellent eye wash.

Another thing you can use is her own breast milk. When I was nursing my first son, he developed pink eye, and a drop or two in the eye for a couple of days cleared it up.
I used milk for pink eye before and it does work. It was going around the family and I did not want my baby on the painful eye drops.
Another thing you can use is her own breast milk.

I can't picture how this is going to happen :hmm:

If I tried milking Ginger...#1. trying to grab that little nipple and milk her like a small cow. :x #2. I'd have to use my ninja skills :ninja: just to get past the teeth!!
Milking a rabbit, sounds tricky.

I have a buck that has had a persistent eye problem. I think was either pink eye or allergies (as it would fluctuate). I did a saline eye wash (at feed store listed for cats), used a cotton swab for eye soak with a chamomile, little bit of black tea and goldenseal with a pinch of salt. I then finished with a anti-bacterial powder that came in a squeeze bottle that puffed (listed for cats as well). I did this once daily for 4-5 days. It is all better now, been about 1 week.
I can't picture how this is going to happen :hmm:

Seriously...I'm really trying to visualize milking one of my rabbits. All chuckling doing something like that really possible?

Ginger would never let us do that... she's already po'ed at hubby for pimping her out. :mrgreen: Hell would likely freeze and thaw before we'd be allowed near a nipple.
Lol, you guys... it isn't that hard, and you don't need quarts, just a couple of drops. ;)

Use your thumb and forefinger and gently grasp the nipple and a small amount of the mammary tissue and squeeze. Milk should bead up on the nipple. I have only done this to check if a doe (or cat or dog) is producing milk, but as I said, you don't need more than a drop or two. :)'re not talking an ounce or 2, just a couple of drops :slap:

I need another :slap: LOL!<br /><br />__________ Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:12 am __________<br /><br />I truly pictured muckling on to this little nipple and letting'r rip!
I feed a variety of medicinal herbs when any issue with the rabbits comes up. Most herbs work better when used in combination. For an infected eye I would feed plantain every other day and rotate the other herbs I have growing on the off days. Basil, Echinacea leaves, borage, mint and lemon balm are what I have growing right now.

I just keep thinking about the movie "Meet the Parents" when ben stiller talks about milking the cat..LOL Maybe he should have said milk the rabbit.