blue or black chin? or maybe it's the buck?

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
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I put my chin doe with a buck that should be proven black chin and she looks really different. He is molting but she is so blue tinted but darker than him. It's a really pretty color in person. The buck's pedigree is REW bottom and black chin and chestnut on the top. Is she blue or just a different shade from him?

<br /><br /> __________ Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:48 pm __________ <br /><br /> Maybe he's actually sable chin? That would be annoying.
Sable agouti

Definitely not dilute - they genetically cannot profuce black pigment and he has black ears

It is recessive to chin so most kits should be chin and if she carries a recessive then 25% sable himi or REW
She should be AatBbchdchdDdEe so I should get regular chins and there's a very small chance he carries blue from a couple squirrels on the REW side of his pedigree but this throws chl into my chinchilla lines along with the REW I already knew he is carrying. That means I now have to get rid of "at", "chl", and "c" while one of my most important bucks can only produce one or the other of those. Then in future generations produced from that buck I may have to sort out chl vs chd ermines.
Sable frosties and chin frosties are just as distinct as sable chin and true chins so it shouldnt be too difficult when the time comes

But I feel your pain :( I recently found out my show bloodline of AmChins also introduced chocolate to my herd :groooan: and I've got 2 chocolate chins running around
I actually removed a few useful rabbits because they were chl but they also had other things like bad temperament or over the ND weight limit. I thought I was done with it and would then not have to cull it out. I would just have the at from the silver marten I used for a litter. Nope. My only requirement is that all my rabbits are AA chd chd and I can't make it happen.